Press Releases

Press Realease Header of the Attorney General of Connecticut


Statement from AG Jepsen on Equifax Data Breach

Attorney General George Jepsen today issued the following statement on the Equifax data breach that affects the sensitive personal information of approximately 143 million Americans:

"This is a massive and very concerning data breach, and we are working to assess its impact on Connecticut residents. My office spoke with representatives of Equifax today and, together with the Illinois and Pennsylvania Attorneys General, will follow up with a letter requesting further details as a first step in a formal investigation that will likely expand to include other states. We will be seeking to understand the circumstances that led to the breach, the reasons for the apparent delay between the breach and the company’s public announcement, and what protections the company had in place at the time of the breach. We will be monitoring closely the company's response in order to ensure that Connecticut consumers are protected."

Assistant Attorneys General Michele Lucan and Matthew Fitzsimmons, head of the Privacy and Data Security Department, are assisting the Attorney General with this matter. 


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Jaclyn M. Severance
860-808-5324 (office)
860-655-3903 (cell)

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