Connecticut Attorney General's Office

Press Release

Attorney General Prepares For Oral Argument In Fight Against FAA Flight Paths Over Southwestern CT

May 8, 2009

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal will present oral argument Monday in his lawsuit to block a new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airspace redesign project that routes more large planes over southwestern Connecticut.

Blumenthal will appear before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit as part of his legal action to rescind the new flight paths because the FAA failed to acknowledge, let alone consider, the impact of increased noise on residents and state parks.

The court proceeding is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m.

"I look forward to my argument in court on Monday -- with even greater determination and hope that we will stop a redesigned flight plan that is disastrously unwise and deeply illegal," Blumenthal said. "My argument will be about the huge dangers and damage done by more planes, spewing more noise and air pollution over millions of people of Connecticut and four other states.

"These FAA flight paths fly in the face of reason and law -- completely disregarding the impact of noise levels on highly populated areas of the Northeast," Blumenthal said. "The FAA knew that it had defective data on noise and traffic, but then continued to use it.

"Inexcusably, the FAA failed to follow its own rules -- disregarding less damaging alternatives.

"I look forward to fighting Monday on behalf of our solid alliance -- a powerful coalition of public officials and environmental advocates. I thank this alliance for standing strong and steadfast. We are on the right side, and we should win, if law and fact prevail."