Connecticut Attorney General's Office

Press Release

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Novmeber 20, 2009

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal announced that a Superior Court judge has imposed $276,814 in fines and penalties on a rogue waste hauler for operating two illegal transfer stations in Stamford and ordered the facilities permanently closed.

Blumenthal obtained the penalties and the closures in cooperation with Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Amey Marrella.

Superior Court Judge Robert Satter ordered Joseph Cammarota to pay a $200,000 penalty and $76,814 in outstanding penalties and interest for previous violations of state environmental and solid waste hauling laws. The judge prohibited Cammarota and his companies, Camm of Stamford, Inc. and Target Disposal Service, from dumping solid waste at his properties at 14 Larkin Street and 29 Popular Street.

The penalties and the closure order stem from Blumenthal's 2006 lawsuit against Cammarota and his companies.

Blumenthal said, "This decision is a huge victory for the environment and public health, imposing strong punishment -- nearly $280,000 -- against an unrepentant polluter. This powerful penalty sends a potent message: carters who operate illegal transfer stations will pay a price. But it also shows that we must strongly enforce and enhance laws that stop transfer station polluters and illicit waste haulers. We have zero tolerance for transfer station operators who operate illegally without licenses, flouting state law and endangering public health. We will fight to enforce state laws protecting the environment and requiring licensing of transfer stations."

Marrella, "This decision sends a powerful message to the solid waste industry. The message is that if someone operates without permits, fails to abide by administrative orders and skirts the law, we will take actions necessary to bring them into compliance, require they clean-up their sites and seek large penalties against them."