Access and technology for people who are DeafBlind

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The agency provides community inclusion and assistive technology programs for Connecticut residents who are DeafBlind.

Access Through Technology - Distance communication, such as emails, chatting online, sending text messages, using the phone, tablet or computer can be very challenging for individuals who are DeafBlind.

The Access through Technology (ATT) program can provide free assessments, equipment (such as tablets, computers, landline phones or smartphones) and training at no cost to eligible CT residents.

Community inclusion services for people who are DeafBlind - The agency provides funding to create opportunities for recreation, communication, socialization and other services that further community inclusion for adults age 21 or older who are DeafBlind.

People who are DeafBlind may request funds for programs that provide access to recreation, communication, socialization and other services that reduces social isolation and increases involvement in the community.

Community inclusion services Healthy living services More independent living resources Deaf Hard of Hearing DeafBlind Services