Easing into Secondary Transition Related Resources

This section contains a link to a list of statewide secondary resources and services. The list is organized into the document linked below, which provides resources for districts looking to improve and enhance secondary transition services. 

Each agency is listed at the top of the document by an acronym that is hyperlinked for easy website access. The check marks (Check mark) in the column beneath each agency identify the specific transition-related resources and customized services, supports, and additional services they provide. Each topic is designated as service, technical assistance, workshop/PD, or a combination of them. For more specific information, please contact the agency personnel listed on the contact page.

  • For agencies (BESB, BRS, DDS, DMHAS) that require eligibility to access their resources, please go to the agency's website for information on how to apply for eligibility. 
  • Please contact the individuals on the contact page for more specific information and to discuss customized services to address your district’s needs.
  • For updates to this list, please contact Alycia M. Trakas, Education Consultant, at 860-713-6932 or Alycia.Trakas@ct.gov.

Easing Into Secondary Transition: A Comprehensive Guide to Resources and Services in Connecticut

Download the list of statewide secondary transition resources and services