Special Education
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Homepage of the CSDE Bureau of Special Education
The Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education (BSE), is planning to implement a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) document and the Special Education Data System (CT-SEDS) in the 2022-23 school year. This page will provide up-to-date information, documents and tools to assist in the roll-out of the new IEP.
Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs) Task Force
The task force was established to review issues raised by a “Request for Amendment of Regulation” (Petition).
Specific Learning Disability and SLD/Dyslexia
This page contains information on the identification/assessment, instruction/intervention, and resources for educating students with SLD, including SLD/Dyslexia.
State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
Connecticut’s SPP/APR is a multi-year plan that describes and reports on the state’s performance on 17 compliance-based and results-based indicators in special education.