

Every student needs and deserves a rich and rigorous mathematics curriculum that is focused on the development of concepts, the acquisition of basic and advanced skills and the integration of problem solving experiences. The Department of Education encourages educators to provide such challenging mathematics opportunities to foster the growth of intelligent, thoughtful and mathematically literate members of society.

Report of the Commissioner's Council on Mathematics

Summer Math Challenge

Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge

Curriculum and Instruction

  • Math Walkthrough Tool
  • Connecticut State Board of Education Position Statement on Mathematics Education
  • Connecticut State Board of Education Position Statement on Comprehensive STEM Education
  • Common Core State Standards - Effective July 7, 2010, the Connecticut State Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts and mathematics (Common Core State Standards). These standards establish what Connecticut’s students should know and be able to do as they progress through Grades K-12.

    There are documents available intended to assist districts in CCSS-based curriculum revision and development are available. In 2013, Connecticut renamed the CCSS as the Connecticut Core Standards (CCS). The CCS is the CCSS in its entirety with no changes.

    CT Mathematics Unit Planning Organizers are designed to be a resource for developers of curriculum. The documents feature standards organized in units with key concepts and skills identified, and a suggested pacing guide for the unit. The standards for Mathematical Practice are an integral component of CT Standards (CCSS) and are evident highlighted accordingly in the units. 

    The information in the unit planning organizers can easily be placed into the curriculum model in used at the local level during the revision process. It is expected that local and/or regional curriculum development teams determine the "Big Ideas" and accompanying "Essential Questions" as they complete the units with critical vocabulary, suggested instructional strategies, activities and resources.

    Note that all standards are important and are eligible for inclusion on the Smarter Balanced assessments. The Standards were written to emphasize correlations and connections within mathematics. The priority and supporting standard identification process emphasized that coherence. Standards were identified as priority or supporting based on the critical areas of focus described in the CT Standards, as well as the connections of the content within and across the K-12 domains and conceptual categories. In some instances, a standard identified as priority actually functions as a supporting standard in a particular unit. No stratification or omission of practice or content standards is suggested by the system of organization utilized in the units.

  • Smarter Balanced Interim Block Alignment

  • CT Core Standards has a variety of resources and professional development opportunities designed for Connecticut educators around the CCS. 
  • Early Learning and Development Standards
  • Performance Level Descriptors for K-2 Mathematics


  • Smarter Balanced Assessment System - system of valid, reliable, and fair next-generation assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy) and mathematics for grades 3-8 and 11. The system—which includes both summative assessments for accountability purposes and optional interim assessments for instructional use—will use computer adaptive testing technologies to the greatest extent possible to provide meaningful feedback and actionable data that teachers and other educators can use to help students succeed. 

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) – Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching are the nation's highest honor for K-12 teachers of mathematics and science. Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of mathematics and science education. Presidential Awardees are identified by an asterisk (*) next to their name. 

2024 K-6 Math

  • Lisa Liptak, STEM Magnet School at Annie Fisher, Hartford, Connecticut
  • Tiffany LoConte, Fawn Hollow Elementary School, Monroe, Connecticut
  • Elizabeth Morales, Hayestown Avenue School, Danbury, Connecticut

2023 7-12 Math

  • Kate Grayeb, University High School of Science and Engineering, Hartford, Connecticut
  • Susan Palmberg, Edwin O. Smith High School, Storrs, Connecticut*
  • Thomas Leisten, Glastonbury High School, Glastonbury, Connecticut

2022 K-6 Math

  • Christopher Messier, Center School, Ellington, Connecticut
  • Katherine Mauro, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Sandy Hook, Connecticut
  • Patricia Hahn, Parkville Community School, Hartford, Connecticut*

2021 7–12 Math

  • Barbara Budaj, Capital Prep Magnet School, Hartford, Connecticut*
  • Christopher Kerr, Newington High School, Newington, Connecticut
  • Merryl Polak, Scotts Ridge Middle School, Ridgefield, Connecticut

2020 K–6 Math

  • Mallory Emmons, The Peck Place School, Orange, Connecticut*
  • Katherine Mauro, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut

Principals' Workshop Series

State mathematics consultant Jennifer Michalek leads three workshops for administrators focusing on the implementation of effective instruction aligned to the Connecticut Core Standards for math.

Session 1: Shifting Math Instruction—Rigor in the Classroom

Presentation resources:


Session 2: Math Practice Standards—Classroom Evidence

Presentation resources:


Session 3: Instructional Coaching—Making the Most Out of Math Coaches

Presentation resources: