Regional Services Grants (RSG)


Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Sections 4-66r and 4-66k, the Office of Policy and Management is required to distribute regional services grants (RSG) to councils of governments (COGS). The Secretary must also approve the spending plan for each COG before an RSG award can be executed.

Regional Council of Governments Regional Service Plans       

The chart below depicts the calculation of each COG’s share of FY 25 RSG 


(2) (1)+(2)

Base Population Per Capita Per Capita Total RSG
Planning Region (COG) Payment 2020 Census Factor Payment FY 2025
Capitol (CRCOG) $375,000.00 976,248 1.005284608 $ 981,407.09 $ 1,356,407.09
Metropolitan (MetroCOG) $375,000.00 325,778 1.005284608 $ 327,499.61 $ 702,499.61
Lower CT River Valley (RiverCOG) $375,000.00 174,225 1.005284608 $ 175,145.71 $ 550,145.71
Naugatuck Valley (NVCOG) $375,000.00 450,376 1.005284608 $ 452,756.06 $ 827,756.06
Northeastern (NECCOG) $375,000.00 95,348 1.005284608 $ 95,851.88 $ 470,851.88
Northwest Hills (NHCOG) $375,000.00 112,503 1.005284608 $ 113,097.53 $ 488,097.53
South Central (SCRCOG) $375,000.00 570,487 1.005284608 $ 573,501.80 $ 948,501.80
Southeastern (SECOG) $375,000.00 280,430 1.005284608 $ 281,911.96 $ 656,911.96
Western (WestCOG) $375,000.00 620,549 1.005284608 $ 623,828.36 $ 998,828.36
Total $3,375,000.00 3,605,944
$3,625,000.00 $7,000,000.00

Contact:  860.418.6343