This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Praises House Approval of Constitutional Amendment Permitting Early Voting in Connecticut

Today’s Approval is the First Major Hurdle in a Multi-Step Process Toward Ratifying a Constitutional Amendment

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy is applauding the Connecticut House of Representatives for voting 81-65 today to approve a resolution that would amend the state’s constitution to allow a system of early voting during elections. It is the first major step required in a multi-year, multi-pronged process to amend the state’s constitution.

Under the resolution, a system would be established creating an early voting period that would be required to occur during the 14 days preceding an election. That period must include at least two and no more than five days of early voting, and at least eight hours during each early voting day. Voters would only be allowed to cast their ballots in the municipality in which they reside.

During his State of the State address in February, Governor Malloy stressed that adopting such a constitutional amendment should be a priority this session.

“In a democracy, we should be doing everything we can to make it easier for the voters of our state to cast their ballots in elections,” Governor Malloy said after the House approved the resolution this afternoon. “In today’s modern world, busy schedules always don’t align with the 14-hour, restricted block of time that our state currently mandates as a voting period. Hardworking folks following the rules should be able to express their most fundamental right to vote. Other states have shown that a system of early voting works, and it’s time for us to catch up to this reality. I applaud the House for taking this major step today, and I urge the Senate to follow suit without delay.”

“This is another initiative to increase participation in elections and ensure citizens have every opportunity to make their voices heard,” Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said. “Modernizing how we vote is an important part of sustaining our democracy. I commend the House for their action.

The legislation is House Joint Resolution 28, Resolution Proposing a State Constitutional Amendment to Permit Early Voting. It next moves to the Senate for consideration. If the Senate approves the resolution this session, it must then be approved for a second time by both chambers of the General Assembly during the 2019 session. If it clears that hurdle, then it will appear on the ballot during the 2020 general election and a majority of voters must approve it before it can become part of the state constitution and be implemented.

Throughout his time in office, Governor Malloy has advocated for a number of policy updates to increase voter participation in the state. In 2012, the Governor signed legislation permitting same-day registration so that eligible voters could sign-up on Election Day and cast their ballot in the town in which they reside. That same bill also created a system allowing eligible voters to submit their voter registration applications over the internet. In 2016, the Malloy administration implemented one of the country’s most comprehensive “motor voter” programs, making registration easier and more convenient.

Earlier this year, the Governor signed an executive order directing the creation of an analysis to review the potential methods and requirements needed to implement voting by mail for all local, state, and federal elections in Connecticut. That review remains underway.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy