Effective January 1, 2023, due to key changes made by the federal SUPPORT Act, eligibility requirements for the HUSKY A – Former Foster Care Coverage (FFCC) group have been updated.
We are excited to share that as a result of these changes, more people who recently aged out of foster care may now qualify for FFCC medical coverage. The new eligibility requirements are as follows:
- Under age 26
- Are not enrolled in another eligibility group
- Aged out of foster care in any state* (upon turning 18 or such higher age as the participating state elected)
- Enrolled in Medicaid in any state while in such foster care.
*Must have aged out on or after January 1, 2023. Original eligibility requirements for the FFCC group continue to apply for those who turned 18 prior to this date.
Previously, individuals eligible for another medical coverage or who aged out of foster care in a state other than Connecticut were not eligible for HUSKY A – FFCC.
For applicants new to the state who meet the new eligibility requirements and apply through any of the options listed below, DSS will assess program eligibility for FFCC. Reminder, there are no income or asset eligibility requirements for this group. Please click here for information on HUSKY Benefits.
For new applicants who aged out of foster care (after 1/1/23) in another state, here’s how to apply:
- Phone: Access Health CT at 1‐855‐805‐4325. If you are deaf or hearing impaired, you may use TTY at 1‐855‐789‐2428 or call with a relay operator
- Online: www.AccessHealthCT.com (Live chat: www.AccessHealthCT.com, click “Live Chat” icon)
- Request a paper application be mailed to you by calling Access Health CT at 1-855-805-4325, or
- Visiting a DSS Service Center in-person (www.ct.gov/dss/fieldoffices).
If you have any other questions about your eligibility for coverage, please call Access Health CT at 1‐855‐805‐4325. If you are deaf or hearing impaired, you may use TTY at 1‐855‐789‐2428 or call with a relay o perator.