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The Freedom of Information Commission will hold special meetings during the week of September 10, 2012 through September 14, 2012 at the specific dates and times listed below.  Each meeting will be held in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, First Floor, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut, for the purpose of conducting a hearing concerning the contested case designated by the corresponding docket number listed below.  For further information concerning these hearings, please contact the Commission’s administrative office at 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106:  telephone (860) 566-5682.
Date Time Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
 September 10, 2012  9:30 AM FIC 2011-643 Ira Alston v. Officer Todd Sokolowski, Freedom of Information Liaison, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction, Northern Correctional Institution; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
 11:00 AM FIC 2012-119 Ramon Arroyo v. Registrar of Voters, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford
 September 11, 2012  11:00 AM FIC 2012-176 Kevin J. Hackett v. Chief, Police Department, City of Waterbury; and Police Department, City of Waterbury
 September 12, 2012 No Meetings scheduled
 September 13, 2012  9:30 AM FIC 2012-056 Sandyha Desmond v. State of Connecticut, Judicial Branch, Statewide Grievance Committee
 11:00 AM FIC 2012-107 Vanessa de la Torre and the Hartford Courant v. Christina M. Kishimoto, Superintendent of Schools, Hartford Public Schools; and Hartford Public Schools
 2:00 PM FIC 2011-689 Richard Applebaum v. Chief, Police Department, Town of Trumbull; and Police Department, Town of Trumbull
 September 14, 2012  9:30 AM FIC 2011-645 William McKinney v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
 11:00 AM FIC 2012-182 Anthony E. Luther v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
Date Time Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
 September 10, 2012  9:30 AM FIC 2011-643 Ira Alston v. Officer Todd Sokolowski, Freedom of Information Liaison, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction, Northern Correctional Institution; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following matter was held on September 10, 2012 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.
Docket #FIC 2011-643;
Ira Alston v. Officer Todd Sokolowski, Freedom of Information Liaison, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction, Northern Correctional Institution; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
Ira Alston appeared on his own behalf and participated via speakerphone.   Attorney Nancy Kase O'Brasky appeared on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.
The hearing convened at 10:00 AM, with Hearing Officer Lisa F. Siegel presiding.
The hearing adjourned at 10:28 AM.
Dated:  September 13, 2012
 September 10, 2012  11:00 AM FIC 2012-119 Ramon Arroyo v. Registrar of Voters, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford
An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following matter was held on September 10, 2012 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.
Docket #FIC 2012-119;
Ramon Arroyo v. Registrar of Voters, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford
The complainant failed to appear.   Attorney Lori Mizerak appeared on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken. The proceedings were digitally recorded.
The hearing convened at 11:15 AM, with Hearing Officer, Lisa F. Siegel presiding.
The hearing adjourned at 11:17 AM.
Dated:  September 13, 2012
Date Time Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
 September 11, 2012  11:00 AM FIC 2012-176 Kevin J. Hackett v. Chief, Police Department, City of Waterbury; and Police Department, City of Waterbury
NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 11, 2012 at 11:00 AM, was postponed.
Docket #FIC 2012-176;
Kevin J. Hackett v. Chief, Police Department, City of Waterbury; and Police Department, City of Waterbury
Date Time Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
 September 13, 2012  9:30 AM FIC 2012-056 Sandyha Desmond v. State of Connecticut, Judicial Branch, Statewide Grievance Committee
NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 13, 2012 at 9:30 AM was postponed.
Docket #FIC 2012-056;
Sandyha Desmond v. State of Connecticut, Judicial Branch, Statewide Grievance Committee
 September 13, 2012  11:00 AM FIC 2012-107 Vanessa de la Torre and the Hartford Courant v. Christina M. Kishimoto, Superintendent of Schools, Hartford Public Schools; and Hartford Public Schools
NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 13 ,2012 at 11:00 AM, was postponed.
Docket #FIC 2012-107;
Vanessa de la Torre and the Hartford Courant v. Christina M. Kishimoto, Superintendent of Schools, Hartford Public Schools; and Hartford Public Schools
 September 13, 2012  2:00 PM FIC 2011-689 Richard Applebaum v. Chief, Police Department, Town of Trumbull; and Police Department, Town of Trumbull
NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 13, 2012 at 2:00 PM, was cancelled.  The complaint in this matter has been withdrawn.
Docket #FIC 2011-689;
Richard Applebaum v. Chief, Police Department, Town of Trumbull; and Police Department, Town of Trumbull
Date Time Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
 September 14, 2012  9:30 AM FIC 2011-645 William McKinney v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following matter was held on September 14, 2012 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.
Docket #FIC 2011-645;
William McKinney v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
William McKinney appeared on his own behalf and participated via speakerphone.   Attorney Nicole Anker appeared on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.
The hearing convened at 9:53 AM, with Hearing Officer Tracie C. Brown presiding.
The hearing adjourned at 10:25 AM.
Dated:  September 14, 2012
 September 14, 2012  11:00 AM FIC 2012-182 Anthony E. Luther v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 14, 2012 at 11:00 AM, was postponed.
Docket #FIC 2012-182;
Anthony E. Luther v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction