Stop identity thieves in their tracks! Information below tells you how to protect your refund, stay safe online, monitor your credit, and steps to take if you believe your information has been compromised.
File Early : Use the free Taxpayer Service Center to easily file your Connecticut income tax return early and secure your refund.
Know Your Credit History: The Federal Trade Commission can tell you how to get a copy of your credit report that is actually FREE! It also has information about what to look for and correcting mistakes.
Surf safely:Easy and practical steps you can take to protect yourself as you conduct your personal business onlineProtect Your Information: The Internal Revenue Service has information everyone should know about identity theft.
Don’t Be a Victim : The Connecticut Attorney General’s Office is a valuable resource for information about preventing identity theft and what to do if you become a victim.
Avoid Bad Tax Preparers: Don't pay for bad preparers who may also be stealing your identity and your refund. The CTCPA can help you find reputable CPA's. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program offers free tax help for low-to moderate-income (under $50,000) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. Many or some locations also offer free electronic filing. If you need assistance from VITA, see the list of Connecticut VITA Sites.