Welcome to the Health Care Quality and Safety Branch

The Healthcare Quality and SafetBrancregulateaccess to health care professions and provideregulatory oversight of health carfacilitieand services. Thbrancprotects public health bensurincompetent and capable health care service providers. The brancconsists of four major progracomponents, which have responsibilitfor implementing state licensurand federacertification programs. The branch has thauthority to investigate and take disciplinaraction against providers who are in violation of the law or otherwise pose a risk to public health and safety.

The branch consists of the following sections and programs:

Facility Licensing & Investigations


Licensing, certification and investigations of facilities/agencies, including:

  • Ambulatory care

  • Clinical laboratories

  • Dialysis facilities

  • Home care and hospice services

  • Hospitals

  • Intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded

  • Long term care/nursing facilities

  • Substance abuse and mental health treatment facilities                   

Practitioner Licensing and Investigations

Office of Legal Compliance

Office of EmergencMedical Services


The Office of EmergencMedicaServiceadministerand enforceemergencmedical services statutes, regulations, programs and policies. Responsibilities include:


o   Developing the Emergency MedicaService(EMS) plaand training curriculum, includingEMS for Children


o   Providing  regulatory  oversight  of  licensing  and  certifying  emergency  medical services personnel, licensing and certifying EMS agencies, facilities, and approving sponsor hospital designations


o   Conducting complaint investigations


o   Inspecting emergency medical response vehicles


o   Coordinating emergency planning with the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP)


o   Integrating statewide electronic EMS and trauma system data collection


o   Providing technical assistance and coordination to facilitate local and regional EMS system development


o   Issuing trauma center designations