Quit Tobacco


Simple Steps To Better Health


A Healthy Lifestyle


Prevent Diabetes


Eat Healthy


Stay Active


Heart Health


Quit Tobacco


Team Up With Your

Health Care Provider


Even if you do not smoke, breathing secondhand smoke can make you sick. It can cause heart disease, lung cancer, and breathing problems. Even a little bit can hurt you. Being tobacco free is the best way to protect yourself and your family. If you want to quit using tobacco, here are some ideas to help:

Preparing to quit

  • Pick a quit date and write it down on a calendar or someplace where you will see it often
  • Start healthy habits to help you quit more successfully
  • Write down all of the reasons you want to quit
  • Write down all of the times and events that cause you to use tobacco and decide how you will handle them
  • Find and talk to your support system—friends, family, co-workers, online support, CT Quitline, BecomeAnEX.org
  • Talk to a health care provider about medicines or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that may help you quit

two weeks before your quit date

  • Think about things you like to do other than smoking
  • Start exercising and stock the house with healthy snacks
  • Start a hobby that uses your hands
  • Get the medication that will help you to quit, if using any

one week before your quit date

  • Tell other people not to use tobacco in your car/house
  • Do something you enjoy that does not include tobacco
  • Change your normal routine—if you usually smoke before you shower, shower first; drink tea instead of coffee; take a different route to work
  • Practice quitting—on one day, try not to smoke for 30 minutes. On another day, pick a time or place not to smoke. This will show how you will feel when you quit and will help your body get used to it

night before your quit date

  • Throw away all lighters, cigarettes/tobacco, ashtrays
  • Review all the reasons you want to quit
  • Review your ideas for how to deal with times and events when you normally use tobacco

after your quit date

  • Review why you wanted to quit, how to deal with times you usually use tobacco, and call your support systems
  • Do things with your hands and mouth—bend paper clips, doodle, brush your teeth, chew gum.
  • Exercise can help when you really want tobacco.
  • If using medication to help, use as directed.
  • Reward yourself and celebrate all successes. Save the money you would have used to buy tobacco and buy yourself something special


Even if you slip, you can quit again. Use the slip as a lesson. Think about what happened and why so that you can be even more ready next time. Never give up! Quitting tobacco is one of the healthiest things you can do for you and your family.






CT Quitline – 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)





