wrong way countermeasures wrong way detection program
wrong way driving materials

The safety of the public traveling our roadways is our top priority. One of the largest threats to that safety is wrong way crashes. When wrong way crashes happen, they are often fatal. In 2022, there were 13 wrong way crashes that resulted in 23 fatalities. In 2023, preliminary data shows there were five wrong way crashes that resulted in seven fatalities. And in almost every wrong way crash, the driver was found to be impaired by alcohol.

To try to stop these crashes from happening, CTDOT has been installing wrong way driving countermeasures over the past two years. In 2023, Governor Lamont renewed his commitment by signing a Wrong Way Driving Detection and Prevention Law that instructs CTDOT to continue these mitigation efforts. 

These systems detect if a driver is entering a highway ramp in the wrong direction. If they are traveling the wrong way bright red flashing lights are activated. In some locations, the technology will also notify the Connecticut State Police and the CTDOT Highway Operations Center. 

CTDOT has identified more than 200 off-ramps as high risk and will continue to install this technology in the years ahead. To learn more about what makes an off-ramp high risk, and to view a list of all current locations, click on the green "Wrong Way Detection Program" button above.