Pedestrian Safety Strategy

After a decade of steady progress developing strong pedestrian policies and building a more pedestrian-friendly transportation infrastructure, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is shifting its focus to put more emphasis on pedestrian safety. The shift is a response to the rising risks posed to pedestrians from traffic crashes. In our continued efforts to develop, enhance, and promote pedestrian safety CTDOT is proud to introduce The Connecticut Pedestrian Safety Strategy.

This safety strategy will build pedestrian safety into the design of all projects. The strategy will also examine ways CTDOT should integrate pedestrian safety in the operation and management of its roadways. These operational issues include setting appropriate speed limits and building more traffic calming features into roadways with high concentrations of pedestrians.


The CTDOT has recommended a four-pronged approach to tackling pedestrian risks and increasing safety:


Speed: to reduce and better manage traffic speeds in areas with significant pedestrian activity

Crosswalks, Intersections & Streets: to implement safer roadway design

Public Awareness, Education & Training: to increase awareness of the problem & promote safer, less risky behaviors

Integrated Safety Program: to align policies and programs that strengthen the state’s roadway safety program for motorist and non-motorists


More information can be found in the links below: