Maribeth Wojenski, Transportation Assistant Planning Director

In accordance with the provisions of Title 23, Section 135 of the United States Code; as amended by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA); the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has prepared a draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

The draft STIP lists all highway and public transit projects proposed to be undertaken utilizing Federal Highway and Federal Transit Administration funding. The STIP encompasses various projects that CTDOT intends to pursue during the next four years and covers all towns within the State.

The Draft STIP will be available for review for a thirty-day public comment period from May 1 through May 31, 2024. This document is available for review below (click the link), at the CTDOT Administration Building in Newington and at the Council of Governments upon request. An appointment is suggested in order to adequately schedule all interested parties. To schedule an appointment at CTDOT, please call (860) 594-2040. To schedule an appointment at one of the Council of Governments, please call them directly. 

CTDOT is conducting two hybrid public informational meetings regarding the draft STIP on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at CTDOT Headquarters, 2800 Berlin Turnpike in Newington.

Both meetings will also be held on Zoom; registration is required.

Afternoon session - Formal Presentation will begin at 1:00 p.m.
Evening session - Formal Presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m.


For Zoom registration;

1:00 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t89GZIiPSMOijusgr68yoA

7:00 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4rqrlECnQTmj_RawTLJ_og

CTDOT staff will be available a half hour prior to each meeting to informally discuss these documents with members of the public.

Question and Answer (Q&A) sessions will immediately follow both presentations.

The hybrid public informational meetings are being held to provide the public and local communities the opportunity to offer comments or ask questions regarding the Draft 2025 STIP. Persons with limited internet access may request that the Draft 2025 STIP information be mailed to them by contacting Rose A. Etuka by email at Rose.Etuka@ct.gov or by phone at 860 594-2040.  (Allow one week for processing and delivery.)

Written comments must be received on or before May 31, 2024.  Comments should be addressed to:

Mrs. Maribeth Wojenski
Transportation Assistant Planning Director
Bureau of Policy and Planning
Connecticut Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 317546
Newington, CT 06131-7546


Or emailed to:


Please include your name, address, and if applicable, the name of the company or organization you represent with your response.


DRAFT 2025-2028 STIP

DRAFT 2025 STIP Document

DRAFT 2025 STIP Projects.pdf

DRAFT 2025 STIP Projects.zip

DRAFT 2025 Multi-Regional Approval projects.pdf





Bridge and Safety Reports

Bridge Report

Safety Report



Air Quality Conformity Reports are Available:




Maribeth Wojenski, Transportation Assistant Planning Director

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a four-year planning document that lists all projects expected to be funded in those identified four years (2021-2024) with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) participation. The STIP is developed in compliance to Title 23 of the United States Code, the Clean Air Act Section 176(c) and Title VI requirements.

The STIP, which is multimodal, includes investments in various modes, such as transit, highways, and bicycle facilities. The STIP is the venue for implementing the goals and objectives identified in regional and State long-range transportation plans. The STIP is developed in corporation with Federal agencies, State government and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) and in consultation with the Rural Planning Agencies. The STIP must be fiscally constrained and be assessed for impacts to air quality.

This site is regularly updated to include the most currently approved list of STIP Projects.

2021 STIP Update as of May 1, 2024 (Amendment#87).

FHWA STIP Amendment #87 Approval Letter

2021 STIP Document

2021 STIP Projects.pdf

2021 STIP Projects.zip

2021 Multi-Regional Approval projects.pdf

Tribal Transportation Program TIP (TTP TIP)

Federal Highway Administration

2023-2026 Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (TIP)

2023 Obligated and Granted Projects list by MPOs/COGs

Project list by MPOs/COGs


Bridge and Safety Reports

Current Bridge Report as of May 24, 2024

Current Safety Report as of May 24, 2024

Air Quality Conformity Reports are Available:


Questions or comments concerning the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program should be addressed to:

Rose A. Etuka

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone:(860) 594-2040  

E-Mail Address: Rose.Etuka@ct.gov