M.6.1 - Placing a Driveway Civil Cells

This module will instruct users on how to place and edit Driveway Civil Cell in a design file for a project.

Commercial Driveway and Residential Driveway Civil Cells are provided. Both Driveway Civil Cells are similar in Civil Cell Reference requirement and placement. The workflow described will be same for both Civil Cells.

Quick Steps:
Place a Driveway Civil Cell
Add Template Drops at Civil Cell Locations
Edit Horizontal Geometry
Edit Vertical Geometry
Swap Out or Edit the Linear Template
Swap Out or Edit the Surface Template
Additional Driveway Civil Cells
List of Driveway Civil Cell Workflows:
» DRIVEWAY (No Provision for Sidewalks) without curb CIVIL CELLS
» DRIVEWAY (No Provision for Sidewalks) with curb CIVIL CELLS
» DRIVEWAY (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) without curb CIVIL CELLS
» DRIVEWAY (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) with curb CIVIL CELLS
» DRIVEWAY (Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb) CIVIL CELLS


Place a Driveway Civil Cell
» DRIVEWAY (No Provision for Sidewalks) without curb CIVIL CELLS

For use with Civil Cells:

  • Commercial Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) without curb
  • Residential Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) without curb


04-CC1_CTDOT Hwy Manual Fig 11-8B

CTDOT Highway Manual Figure 11-8B


Civil Cells for Driveways have been created to comply with the CT DOT Highway Manual 11-8.0 Driveways.

Both Commercial Driveway and Residential Driveway Civil Cells are similar in Civil Cell Reference requirement and placement. The workflow described will be same for both Civil Cells.


1. Edge of Road (EOR) of main road. EOR should have its own profile.

2. Driveway Centerline drawn perpendicular to Baseline of main road.

3. Driveway Matchline at the back of driveway

NOTE: The number of reference elements can vary for each civil cell.



1. The design file should have Baseline Alignment, Baseline Profile and roadway corridor in order to place civil cell. Profiled Edge of Road will come from template of Corridor.

2. Activate the OpenRoads Modeling workflow from the pick list next to Quick access toolbar in the upper left corner if it is not already active. The ribbon menu will reflect the OpenRoads Modeling tools.

3. From the ribbon, select Geometry Tab.

4. From the Horizontal Group Select Lines > Line Between Points

05-CC1_Create Line Between pts

5. Select Feature Definition > Driveway (Alignment > Center > Driveway

06-CC1_Feature Defn_Driveway

6. Using the perpendicular snap draw a Line perpendicular to Baseline of Main Road towards the Proposed Driveway. This is Driveway Centerline. Default name is DCL. User can change it as required.

07-CC1_Create Driveway CL

7. From the Horizontal Group Select Lines > Line Between Points

8. Select Feature Definition > Driveway Match Line (Linear > Roadway Geometry > Driveway Match Line)

08-CC1_Feature Defn_Driveway Matchline

9. Draw line crossing the Driveway Center line. This line is the limit of the driveway where it matches the existing driveway or ground. Default name is DrivewayMatch_Line. User can change it as required.

09-CC1_Create Driveway Matchline

10. Now we have all three references required for placing the Driveway Civil Cell. We can place the civil cell.

10-CC1_Three Reference Lines

11. From the ribbon, select Model Detailing Tab.

12. From Civil Cells Group Select Place Civil Cell.

11-CC1_Place Civil Cell Command

13. In Civil Cell Name dialog box, click the browse button to open civil cell library.

12-CC1_Choose Civil Cell Name

14. Two options can be chosen from, Commercial Driveway or Residential Driveway as per requirement.

a. For Commercial Driveway, expand the CV_Commercial_Driveway_CivilCells.dgnlib and Select Commercial Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) without curb civil cell.

  • The dialog displays the planimetric layout of the selected civil cell with black lines
  • The dialog also shows the reference lines on which the civil cell is based. These are the red lines and represent the references that must be present within the design file to place the civil cell.

13-CC1_Commercial Dwy_No SW_No Curb


b. For Residential Driveway, expand the CV_Residential_Driveway_CivilCells.dgnlib and Select Residential Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) without curb civil cell.

14-CC1_Residential Dwy_No SW_No Curb


15. Click OK.

16. Follow the heads-up prompts:

a. Locate Reference Element: EOR (Profiled)(1/3), select the Main Road Edge of Road element.

b. Locate Reference Element: DRV CL (Perpendicular to Baseline) (2/3), select the Driveway Centerline element.

c. Locate Reference Element: DRV ML (3/3), select the Driveway Matchline element.

d. Select Elements to View Alternatives (Reset to Skip) , there are couple of options according to  the direction of the driveway cell

i) If the direction of driveway cell is correct, then right-click to reset.

ii) If the direction of driveway cell is incorrect, see figure below, hover over the Edge of Road, the arrow should appear over the EOR, left-click on the arrow. This should cause the curb return to flip to the correct side. Note the arrow’s change of direction.


15-CC1_Place Cell_arrow incorrect direction    

Hover over the EOR until the arrow appears over EOR then left-click on arrow.

16-CC1_Place Cell_arrow correct direction

The curb return will flip to the correct side.

e. Select Corridors To Be Clipped (Reset To Complete) , right-click to reset.

f. Accept Civil Cell Placement , left-click to accept.

g. The Civil Cell is placed.


Series of edits can be done to the Civil Cells which demonstrate the flexibility and the ability to edit their component.

If the capabilities of Civil Cells seem confining, user can use the Drop Civil Cell  tool to drop the placed Civil Cell into the components that make it up.

Add Template Drops at Civil Cell Locations

It is preferred to add template drops over clipping the corridor when blending the civil cell to the corridor.

Note: Issue with Civil Cell Clipping

Driveway Civil Cells can be used to clip the corridor where it is placed. But this method does not work every time. Civil Cell clipping does not clip out 2D graphics of the corridor but only in 3D view. Template edit of the main road corridor is recommended. Dropping elements outside of the curb from the corridor template at driveway limits is recommended for this civil cell.

There is various method to edit the template drop. One method is shown below.

1. From the ribbon, select Corridors Tab.

2. From the Create Group Select Copy Template Drop.

17-CC1_Copy Template Drop Command

3. Follow the heads-up prompts.

4. At Locate Template Drop, Select the Main road Corridor Template Drop.

18-CC1_Copy Template Drop 01

5. For Start Station, keypoint snap at start of right-side radius of driveway. For end station, keypoint snap at end of left-side radius of driveway. This will create copy of existing template drop at the driveway portion.

19-CC1_Newly Copied Template Drop 01

6. This newly copied template drop needs to be edited. From the Edit Group Select Edit Template Drop.

20-CC1_Edit Template Drop Command

7. For Locate Template Drop, Select the Newly Copied Template Drop.

8. Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop Window appears along with the existing template used at the template window.

9. Delete the end conditions component from the template. For this right-click in the template window and select Delete Components from the drop-down menu.

21-CC1_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 01

10. Draw a line across each of the elements you wish to delete.

 22-CC1_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 02

23-CC1_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 03 

11. Click OK to close the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog.

12. Review the driveway location. Notice the side slopes have been removed along the right side of the main road or across the newly placed driveway civil cell. The designer needs to add and transition the side slope at the curb return.

24-CC1_Newly Copied Template Drop_Edited 01       25-CC1_Newly Copied Template Drop_Edited 02


The placement of Civil Cells can be edited by editing the reference elements from which it was placed.

26-CC1_Adjustment of Reference Element 01     27-CC1_Adjustment of Reference Element 02

Users are advised to draw the Driveway Centerline perpendicular to Baseline of main road. But Driveway Civil Cell can be placed at a situation when there is slight angle between Driveway Centerline and Main Road Baseline.

1. Using the Element Selection tool, select the Driveway Centerline 

2. Move the end point of the Driveway Centerline by using the element handlers, (the circles and arrows on the selected element).

Click on the circle at the end point of the Driveway Centerline element and modify the angle of the intersection.

3. The civil cell will update.


Edit Horizontal Geometry

1. Turn off the display of the Referenced 3D model, if it is not already turned off.

One “challenge” in editing Civil Cells is that sometimes it is hard to select what user want to select, especially with full 3D Civil Cells. User may have multiple overlapping 2D features overlapped with multiple overlapping 3D Features in the reference 3D Model. User may have to right-click a couple times to select the intended element.

Depending on user needs, user can turn off the Level of the 3D Model Reference or turn off its Display entirely. User can also turn off levels with graphics user find “unnecessary” right now. Construction Class element display can be turned on and off via View Attributes.

2. Widen the Lane of Driveway Civil Cell.

a. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the right Edge of Driveway of the Civil Cell.

Tip: It may be easier to select it by hovering over its “gap”. Element at gap is not visible until user hover over it.

The Edges of Pavement are full-length offsets from the centerline. The curb returns create “gaps” where the edges are trimmed back, but trimmed features are still able to be selected in its “gaps”.

b. Once the edge is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

c. Type desired value say 14’ and hit Return. The pavement is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

28-CC1_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Lane Width 01     29-CC1_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Lane Width 02

To widen the Left Lane of Driveway Civil Cell, the steps to follow are same as widening right Lane.

3. Change the Curb Return Radius of Civil Cell.

a. Click on the right Edge of Driveway curb return. This might require multiple right-clicks until the Radius value is visible.

b. Click on the Radius text manipulator.

c. Type desired value say 25’ and hit Return. The Curb Return Radius and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated. 

30-CC1_Edit Horz Geometry_Change curb return radius 01     31-CC1_Edit Horz Geometry_Change curb return radius 02

4. Change the Width of Driveway Shelf or Ramped Section of Civil Cell.

a. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the DRV Shelf Line.  

b. Once the line is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator

c. Type desired value say 15’ and hit Return. The ramp section is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

32-CC1_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Shelf Width 01     33-CC1_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Shelf Width 02

Edit Vertical Geometry

As per CTDOT standards, the driveway is provided with 1½” lip at the Edge of Road and Driveway Shelf line is placed 4” vertical offset from the edge of roadway. Driveway match line takes the elevation from the existing terrain.

1. Select the Driveway Centerline (1-CC_Pr DRV CL).

2. Hover over the selected element until the Context Tool Bar pops up.

3. Click open profile model

34-CC1_Edit Vert Geometry_Driveway CL profile 01

4. On Select or Open View model prompt, select one of the views and left-click on that view window. 

35-CC1_Edit Vert Geometry_Driveway CL profile 02


5. The profile view of the Driveway Centerline will show up.

36-CC1_Edit Vert Geometry_Driveway CL profile 03

6. Similarly, both Edges of driveway’s profile can be viewed.

7. The profile of Driveway CL and Edge of driveway is generated from Edge of road elevation, Driveway Shelf line elevation and the existing ground elevation at match line.

8. The Driveway Shelf line’s elevation is 4” vertical offset from the edge of roadway.

a. If the designer wants to change the elevation, select the DRV Shelf Line. 

b. Open the Properties dialog and expand Profile By Projecting LinEnt3d Slope Rule group, Change Vertical Offset to desired elevation.

37-CC1_Edit Vert Geometry_Driveway CL profile 04

 9. The profile will update automatically.


Swap Out or Edit the Linear Template

The side slope at the Edges of Driveway has 2’ of snow shelf. The designer can edit the 2’ snow shelf from edit template drop or simply switch to a different template.

Turn on all the levels associated to Driveway Civil cells from the level display window.

Make sure Constructions option is turned on in View Attributes window.

38-CC1_Swap Linear Template 01_View Attributes

1. Swap out Linear Template

a. Click on a Linear Template in View 1, the 2D View. The Linear Template is a 2D shape shown as a dashed line.

39-CC1_Swap Linear Template 02


b. Open the Properties dialog, and expand the Template Drop group.

The current template is Project Library>Driveway_No Curb

40-CC1_Swap Linear Template 03


c. Click the Browse button in the right side of the Template Name label. This opens the Pick Template dialog.

d. Select the desired template prepared for the project and review. For this example, choose  HWY End Conditions > Fill. This template has no snow shelf

41-CC1_Swap Linear Template 04


e. Click OK.

f. The linear template processes with the new Template. Notice the change, there is no snow shelf.

42-CC1_Swap Linear Template 05


2. Edit Linear Template

a. From the Corridors tab, then from Edit Group Select Edit Template Drop.

20-CC1_Edit Template Drop Command


b. In the Locate Template Drop prompt, Select the Linear Template at Edge of Driveway

43-CC1_Edit Linear Template 01


c. Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop Window appears along with the existing template used at the template window i.e. Project Library>Driveway_No Curb

44-CC1_Edit Linear Template 02


d. Template can be edited in various ways and reviewed. For this example, Snow shelf will be changed from 2’ to 0.5’.

e. Double click on SNOW_f point.

f. In the Point Properties dialog, change Horizontal Value from -2 to -0.5 under Constraint 2 and click Apply, then click Close.

45-CC1_Edit Linear Template 03


g. Click OK to close the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog.

h. The linear template processes with the new Template. Notice the change in width of snow shelf.

46-CC1_Edit Linear Template 04

Swap Out or Edit the Surface Template

Driveway Civil Cell can have various surface templates. The Surface Templates can be swapped or edited as per the project requirement.

1. Configure your screen views so that the Default view of civil cell is visible in View 1, and the 3D pavement section is visible in View 2.

a. In an open view, right-click and hold, and then select View Control > 2 Views Plan/3D.

47-CC1_Swap Surface Template_View control 01


b. In View 1, window area so that Driveway Civil Cell is visible.

c. In View 2, use the View Rotation tool to rotate the view to the end of the pavement section.

48-CC1_Swap Surface Template_View control 02


d. Click on a Driveway Main Surface Template (1-P_DRV Main Surface Template) in the 3D View.

49-CC1_Swap Surface Template_Select surface in 3D view


e. Open the Properties dialog and expand the Mesh Template group.

f. The current template is HWY Surface Templates> Bituminous Commercial Driveway

50-CC1_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 01


g. Click the Browse button in the right side of the Template Name label. This opens the Pick Template dialog.

51-CC1_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 02


h. Select the desired template prepared for the project and review. For this example, choose HWY Surface Templates> HMA_Pavement_Structure

52-CC1_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 03


i. Click OK.

j. The surface template processes with the new Template. Notice the change in 3D view. The surface updated from 2 layer to 3 layers of pavement.

53-CC1_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 04

2. User can edit the pavement thickness

a. Click and hover over the Driveway Main Surface Template (1-P_DRV Main Surface Template) in the 3D View.

b. From the Context Tool Bar, select Edit An Applied Surface Template

54-CC1_Edit Surface Template_Select surface in 3D view


c. In the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog, the pavement thickness can be edited.

d. For this example, EOR_sg_lt and EOR_sg_rt points depth will be changed from 1’ to 1.33’

55-CC1_Edit Surface Template_Edit template depth 01


e. Double click on EOR_sg_lt point.

f. In the Point Properties dialog, change Vertical Value from -1 to -1.333 under Constraint 2 and click Apply then click Close.

56-CC1_Edit Surface Template_Edit template depth 02


g. Double click on EOR_sg_rt point.

h. In the Point Properties dialog, change Vertical Value from -1 to -1.333 under Constraint 2 and click Apply then Click Close.

i. Click OK to close the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog.

j. The Depth of the bottom layer of the surface template is updated to the new value. You can see the change in the 3D view.

Additional Driveway Civil Cells
» DRIVEWAY (No Provision for Sidewalks) with curb CIVIL CELLS

For use with Civil Cells:

  • Commercial Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) with curb
  • Residential Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) with curb

This civil cell is same as Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) without curb. Only addition is there is a concrete curb provided at both sides of curb return.

Follow Sections above for Civil Cell Placement and Edits.

For this example, Residential Driveway (No Provision for Sidewalks) with curb is placed.

For this Civil Cell, Only edits for the curb is shown.

1. Concrete curb is provided at both sides of curb return from Edge of road up to Driveway Shelf.

2. Height of concrete curb is transitioned from existing curb height to zero from Edge of road to Driveway Shelf respectively as shown below.

301-CC3_Edit Curb 01

302-CC3_Edit Curb 02

3. Length of curb and transition height of curb can be edited as required. This can be done via point controls.

4. Based on the requirements of the design, civil cell may need to be dropped.

5. Select Linear Template of Concrete Curb, Change the End station to 0+03.00 or as desired. The Length of the curb will update.

303-CC3_Edit Curb 03     304-CC3_Edit Curb 04


305-CC3_Edit Curb 05     306-CC3_Edit Curb 06

6. Select Point Control for the Linear Template, Change the End Station to 0+03.00 or match the Linear Template Station. This Point control will define the curb transition from existing curb height to zero. Curb will update.


307-CC3_Edit Curb 07     308-CC3_Edit Curb 08

7. To edit or check the point control of the linear template of curb, From the Corridors tab, then from Edit Group Select Corridor Objects.

8. At Locate Corridor prompt select the Linear Template for of Concrete Curb. Select Point Control Tab in the Corridor Objects Window. From this window the height of curb and Length of curb can be defined.


9. For example, lets change the value of the Vertical Stop Offset (Curb Height) at End Station from 0.00 to 0.3542. Civil Cell will update, Note the change in the curb height.


10. Swap out Linear Template from Concrete Curb to Bituminous Concrete Lip Curb (BCLC).

a. Click on a Linear Template of Concrete Curb in View 1, the 2D View.  

b. Open the Properties dialog, and expand the Template Drop group.

The current template is Project Library>CC w base

c. Click the Browse button in the right side of the Template Name label. This opens the Pick Template dialog.

d. Select the desired template prepared for the project and review. For this example, choose Project Library>BCLC w base.  

e. Click OK.

f. The linear template processes with the new Template of BCLC w base. Notice the change in curb.



g. New point control should be defined to the new Bituminous curb. Old point control for the concrete curb should be deleted. (User can edit Old point control to reflect BCLC, so that new point control is not required. For this example old point control is deleted and new point control is added.)

h. To delete old point control and add new point control for the linear template of curb, From the Corridors tab, then from Edit Group Select Corridor Objects.

i. At Locate Corridor prompt select the Linear Template for of Concrete Curb. Select Point Control Tab in the Corridor Objects Window. Select the desired Point Control and hit Delete button to delete the selected Point Control.

j. Click Add New button to add new Point Control for the selected corridor.

319-CC3_Point control of BCLC 02

NOTE: Another method to Create Point Control.

From the ribbon, select Corridors Tab, then from Edit Group Select Edits > Create Point Control. Locate desired corridor i.e. Linear Template of BCLC w base, Create Point Control Window will appear then follow the prompts.

320-CC3_Point control of BCLC 03


k. Create Point Control Window appears. Fill the box according to your point control criteria. For this example, point control at Back of BCLC is shown. Follow prompts 

321-CC3_Point control of BCLC 04

Start Station: Lock to Start

End Station: Lock to End

Control Description: TOC_Back

Locate Point: BCLC (This point can be selected either from dropdown menu or selecting Back of curb element named BCLC directly from the drawing)

Mode: Vertical

Control Type: Linear Geometry

Locate Plan Or Profile Element: 3-CC_Const_DRV Apron L

NOTE: During element selection if the element cannot be selected and there notification as Invalid Plan Element-Child of Civil Cell.

322-CC3_Point control of BCLC 05

Exit out of the command. From the ribbon, select Model Detailing Tab, then from Civil Cells Group Select Drop Civil Cell. After dropping the civil cell redo the whole point control step.

Accept “Active Profile: 3-CC_Const_DRV Apron L” : Left Click to accept

Priority: 1

Vertical Offset Start: 0.375

Vertical Offset Stop: 0.000

The Curb will update.

323-CC3_Point control of BCLC 06

l. Add point control for Front of BCLC. Follow the previous step for Create Point Control 

324-CC3_Point control of BCLC 07

Start Station: Lock to Start

End Station: Lock to End

Control Description: TOC_Front

Locate Point: BCLC1 (This point can be selected either from dropdown menu or selecting Front of curb element named BCLC1 directly from the drawing)

Mode: Vertical

Control Type: Linear Geometry

Locate Plan Or Profile Element: 3-CC_Const_DRV Apron L

Accept “Active Profile: 3-CC_Const_DRV Apron L” : Left Click to accept

Priority: 1

Vertical Offset Start: 0.083

Vertical Offset Stop: 0.000

The Curb will update.

325-CC3_Point control of BCLC 08

m. Repeat the same process to edit the curb type and height for the right side of the driveway.

» DRIVEWAY (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) without curb CIVIL CELLS

For use with Civil Cells:

  • Commercial Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) without curb
  • Residential Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) without curb


201-CC2_CTDOT Hwy Manual Fig 11-8C

CTDOT Highway Manual Figure 11-8C


Civil Cells for Driveways have been created to comply with the CT DOT Highway Manual 11-8.0 Driveways.

Both Commercial Driveway and Residential Driveway Civil Cells are similar in Civil Cell Reference requirement and placement. The workflow described will be same for both Civil Cells.


1. Edge of Road (EOR)  of main road. EOR should have its own profile.

2. Driveway Centerline drawn perpendicular to Baseline of main road.

3. Driveway Matchline at the back of driveway

NOTE: The number of reference elements can vary for each civil cell.


1. The design file should have Baseline Alignment, Baseline Profile and roadway corridor in order to place civil cell. Profiled Edge of Road will come from template of Corridor.

2. Activate the OpenRoads Modeling workflow from the pick list next to Quick access toolbar in the upper left corner if it is not already active. The ribbon menu will reflect the OpenRoads Modeling tools.

3. From the ribbon, select Geometry Tab.

4. From the Horizontal Group Select Lines > Line Between Points

202-CC2_Create Line Between pts


5. Select Feature Definition > Driveway (Alignment > Center > Driveway)


203-CC2_Feature Defn_Driveway


6. Using the perpendicular snap draw a line perpendicular to Baseline of Main Road towards the Proposed Driveway. This is Driveway Centerline. Default name is DCL. User can change it as required.

204-CC2_Create Driveway CL


7. From the Horizontal Group Select Lines > Line Between Points

8. Select Feature Definition > Driveway Match Line (Linear > Roadway Geometry > Driveway Match Line)

205-CC2_Feature Defn_Driveway Matchline


9. Draw line crossing the Driveway Center line. This line is the limit of the driveway where it matches the existing driveway or ground. Default name is DrivewayMatch_Line. User can change it as required.

206-CC2_Create Driveway Matchline


10. Now we have all three references required for placing the Driveway Civil Cell. We can place the civil cell.


207-CC2_Three Reference Lines

11. From the ribbon, select Model Detailing Tab

12. From Civil Cells Group Select Place Civil Cell

208-CC2_Place Civil Cell Command

 13. In Civil Cell Name dialog box, click the browse button to open civil cell library.

209-CC2_Choose Civil Cell Name



14. Two options to can be chosen from, Commercial Driveway or Residential Driveway as per requirement.

a. For Commercial Driveway, expand the CV_Commercial_Driveway_CivilCells.dgnlib and Select Commercial Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) without curb civil cell..

  • The dialog displays the planimetric layout of the selected civil cell with black lines
  • The dialog also shows the reference lines on which the civil cell is based. These are the red lines and represent the baselines that must be present within the design file to place the civil cell

210-CC2_Commercial Dwy_with SW_No Curb

b. For Residential Driveway, expand the CV_Residential_Driveway_CivilCells.dgnlib and Select Residential Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) without curb civil cell.

211-CC2_Residential Dwy_with SW_No Curb


15. Click OK.

16. Follow the heads-up prompts:

a. Locate Reference Element: EOR (Profiled)(1/3), select the Main Road Edge of Road element..

b. Locate Reference Element: DRV CL (Perpendicular to Baseline) (2/3), select the Driveway Centerline element.

c. Locate Reference Element: DRV ML (3/3), select the Driveway Matchline element.

d. Select Elements to View Alternatives (Reset to Skip), there are couple of options according to  the direction of the driveway cell

i) If the direction of driveway is correct, then right-click to reset.

ii) If the direction of driveway is incorrect, see below, then hover over the Edge of Road, the arrow should appear over the EOR, left-click on the arrow. This should cause the curb return to flip to the correct side. Note the arrow’s change of direction.


212-CC2_Place Cell_arrow incorrect direction

Hover over the EOR until the arrow appears over EOR then left–click on arrow.


 213-CC2_Place Cell_arrow correct direction

The curb return will flip to the correct side.


g. Select Corridors To Be Clipped (Reset To Complete), right-click to reset.

h. Accept Civil Cell Placement, left-click to accept.

i. The Civil Cell is placed.



Series of edits can be done to the Civil Cells which demonstrate the flexibility and the ability to edit their component.

If the capabilities of Civil Cells seem confining, user can use the Drop Civil Cell  tool to drop the placed Civil Cell into the components that make it up.


Driveway Civil Cells can be used to clip the corridor where it is placed. Civil Cell clipping does not clip out 2D graphics of the corridor but only in 3D view. Template edit of the main road corridor is recommended. Dropping elements outside of the curb from the corridor template at driveway limits is recommended for this civil cell.

There is various method to edit the template. One method is shown below.


1. From the ribbon, select Corridors Tab.

2. From the Create Group Select Copy Template Drop.

214-CC2_Copy Template Drop Command

3. Follow the heads-up prompts.

4. At Locate Template Drop, Select the Main road Corridor Template Drop.

215-CC2_Copy Template Drop 01 



5. For Start Station, keypoint snap at start of left-side radius of driveway. For end station, keypoint snap at end of right-side radius of driveway. This will create copy of existing template drop at the driveway portion.

 216-CC2_Newly Copied Template Drop 01


6. This newly copied template drop needs to be edited. From the Edit Group Select Edit Template Drop.

 217-CC2_Edit Template Drop Command


7. For Locate Template Drop, Select the Newly Copied Template Drop 

8. Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop Window appears along with the existing templated used at the template window.

9. Delete the end conditions component from the template outside of the Edge of Road element. For this right-click in the template window and select Delete Components from the drop-down menu.

218-CC2_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 01

10. Draw a line across each of the elements you wish to delete.

219-CC2_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 02

220-CC2_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 03



11. Click OK to close the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog.

12. Review the driveway location. Notice the side slopes have been removed along the left side of the main road or across the newly placed driveway civil cell. The designer needs to add and transition the side slope at the curb return.

 221-CC2_Newly Copied Template Drop_Edited 01     222-CC2_Newly Copied Template Drop_Edited 02



The placement of Civil Cells can be edited by editing the reference elements from which it was placed.

223-CC2_Adjustment of Reference Element 01     224-CC2_Adjustment of Reference Element 02


Users are advised to draw the Driveway Centerline perpendicular to Baseline of main road. But Driveway Civil Cell can be placed at a situation when there is slight angle between Driveway Centerline and Main Road Baseline.

1. Using the Element Selection tool, select the Driveway Centerline.  

2. Move the end point of the Driveway Centerline by using the element handlers, (the circles and arrows on the selected element).

Click on the circle at the end point of the Driveway Centerline element and modify the angle of the intersection.

3. The civil cell will update.



1. Turn off  the display of the Referenced 3D model, if it is not already turned off.

One “challenge” in editing Civil Cells is that sometimes it is hard to select what user want to select, especially with full 3D Civil Cells. User may have multiple overlapping 2D features overlapped with multiple overlapping 3D Features in the reference 3D Model. User may have to right-click a couple times to select the intended element.

Depending on user needs, user can turn off the Level of the 3D Model Reference or turn off its Display entirely. User can also turn off levels with graphics user find “unnecessary” right now. Construction Class element display can be turned on and off via View Attributes.

2. Change the Width of Driveway Shelf or Ramped Section and Sidewalk width of Civil Cell.

a. Make sure Constructions option is turned on in View Attributes window.

225-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_View Attributes


b. From the ribbon, select Home Tab.

c. From the Primary  Group, Select Level Display.

226-CC2_Level Display 01


d. Turn on the display for Level “CIVILCELL_Const” if it’s not on already.

227-CC2_Level Display 02


e. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the Sidewalk Front Line whose feature name is 2-CC_Const_SW Ft.

f. Once the line is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

g. Type desired value say -4’ and hit Return to coincide with the existing Sidewalk front. The driveway shelf section is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

228-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Dwy Shelf Width 01

229-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Dwy Shelf Width 02


h. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the Sidewalk Back Line whose feature name is 2-CC_Const_SW Bk.

i. Once the line is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

j. Type desired value say -4’ and hit Return to coincide with the existing Sidewalk back. The sidewalk is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

230-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Sidewalk Width 01


231-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Sidewalk Width 02


3. Widen the Lane of Driveway Civil Cell.

a. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the right Edge of Driveway of the Civil Cell.

Tip: It may be easier to select it by hovering over its “gap”. Element at gap is not visible until user hover over it.

The Edges of Pavement are full-length offsets from the centerline. The curb returns create “gaps” where the edges are trimmed back, but trimmed features are still able to be selected in its “gaps”.

b. Once the edge is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

232-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Lane Width 01

 233-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Lane Width 02


c. Type desired value say 14’ and hit Return. The pavement is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

d. Sidewalk Matchline also moves as driveway width is changed. Designer needs to adjust the limits of Template drop.

To widen the Left Lane of Driveway Civil Cell, the steps to follow are same as widening right Lane.


4. Change the Curb Return Radius of Civil Cell.

a. Click on the right Edge of Driveway curb return. This might require multiple right-clicks until the Radius value is visible.

b. Click on the Radius text manipulator.

c. Type desired value say 25’ and hit Return. The Curb Return Radius and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

d. Sidewalk Matchline also moves as radius is changed. Designer needs to adjust the limits of Template drop.

234-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change curb return radius 01

235-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_Change curb return radius 02



1. Edit Vertical Geometry of Sidewalk in Civil Cell

Elements to be familiar with, in order to edit the vertical geometry of Sidewalk in this Civil Cell.

236-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_01


A = Edge of Road Element (From Design File)

B = Driveway Lip Element (1½” above (A))

C = Front of Sidewalk Element outside of Left Side of Driveway Edge (Default is 4” above (A))

D = Back of Sidewalk Element outside of Left Side of Driveway Edge (Default is 4.9” above (A))

E = Front of Sidewalk Element inside of Driveway Edges (Default is 4” above (A))

F = Back of Sidewalk Element inside of Driveway Edge (Default is at +1.5% slope from (E))

G = Front of Sidewalk Element outside of Right Side of Driveway Edge (Default is 4” above (A))

H = Back of Sidewalk Element outside of Right Side of Driveway Edge (Default is 4.9” above (A))

1 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements C

2 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements D

3 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements C

4 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements D

5 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements G

6 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements H

7 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements G

8 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements H


Points 1, 2, 7 and 8 are Vertical Offsets referenced from Edge of Road (A). Its value can be changed as needed to match Existing or Designed Sidewalk elevation

Points 3, 4, 5 and 6 are Vertical Offsets referenced from Edge of Road (A). Its value can be changed as needed. But its value should match elevation of elements (E) & (F)


The Driveway Civil cell is provided with 1½” lip at the Edge of Road as per CTDOT standards. The Sidewalk front is placed 4” vertical offset from the edge of roadway, Sidewalk back inside the Driveway edge is +1.5% from Sidewalk front as per CTDOT Standards Drawing and Sidewalk back outside of Driveway edges are 4.9” vertical offset from edge of roadway , Driveway match line takes the elevation from the existing terrain. The elevation values can be changed for the sidewalk front and back.

a. As an example, Looking at the 3D view Civil Cell Match line does not exactly coincides with the existing sidewalk. Point 1 is 0.147’ below the existing Front of sidewalk and Point 2 is 0.152’ below the Existing Back of Sidewalk. Let’s edit the elevation or offset values of points 1 and 2, in order to coincide the existing sidewalk.

237-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_02


b. Constructions option can be turned off in View Attributes window so that it is easy to select and edit the sidewalk elements.

c. Select element (C), Front of Sidewalk Element outside of Left Side of Driveway Edge (2-SW Ft L).

238-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Front edit_01


d. Open the Properties dialog and expand the Profile By Projecting LinEnt3d Slope Rule group.

e. The current value of Start Vertical Offset is 0.333’. This is Point (1) and it is 0.333’ vertical offset from Edge of Road (A).

239-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Front edit_02     240-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Front edit_03


f. There is difference of 0.147’ between existing and civil cell sidewalk front end. We need to add 0.147’ value to the current value of Start Vertical Offset of 0.333’. Change the value to 0.48’ and note the change.

241-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Front edit_04


g. Select element (D), Back of Sidewalk Element outside of Left Side of Driveway Edge  (2-SW Ft L).

242-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Back edit_01


h. Open the Properties dialog and expand the Profile By Projecting LinEnt3d Slope Rule group.

i. The current value of Start Vertical Offset is 0.408’. This is Point (2) and it is 0.408’ vertical offset from Edge of Road (A)

243-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Back edit_02     244-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Back edit_03


j. There is difference of 0.152’ between existing and civil cell sidewalk back. We need to add 0.152’ value to the current value of Start Vertical Offset of 0.408’. Change the value to 0.56’ and note the change. 

245-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Back edit_04



k. Similarly Point (7) and (8) can be edited.  

NOTE: For editing Point (7) and (8), End Vertical Offset value from the Properties menu should be changed.


2. Edit Vertical Geometry of Driveway Centerline in Civil Cell

a. Select the Driveway Centerline (2-CC_Pr DRV CL).

b. Hover over the selected element over it until the Context Tool Bar pops up.  

c. Click open profile model

246-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 01


d. On Select or Open View model prompt, select one of the views and left-click on that view window.

247-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 02


e. The profile view of the Driveway Centerline will show up.

248-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 03


f. Similarly, both Edges of driveway’s profile can be viewed.

g. The profile of Driveway CL and Edge of driveway is generated from Edge of road elevation, Sidewalk front- and back-line elevation and the existing ground elevation at match line.

h. If the designer wants to change the elevation, select the Sidewalk front line or sidewalk back line element. (Select element (E) or (F))

i. Open the Properties dialog and expand Profile By Projecting LinEnt3d Slope Rulegroup, Change Vertical Offset to desired elevation.

249-CC2_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 04


9. The profile will update automatically.



The side slope at the Edges of Driveway has 2’ of snow shelf. The designer can edit the 2’ snow shelf from edit template drop or simply switch to a different template.

Turn on all the levels associated to Driveway Civil cells from the level display window.

Make sure Constructions option is turned on in View Attributes window.

1. Swap out Linear Template

a. Click on a Linear Template in View 1, the 2D View. The Linear Template is a 2D shape shown as a dashed line.

250-CC2_Swap Linear Template 01     251-CC2_Swap Linear Template 02

b. Open the Properties dialog, and expand the Template Drop group.

The current template is Project Library>Driveway_No Curb

252-CC2_Swap Linear Template 03


c. Click the Browse button in the right side of the Template Name label. This opens the Pick Template dialog.

d. Select the desired template prepared for the project and review. For this example, choose  HWY End Conditions > Bit_Com_Driveway_BCPC. This template has curb.

253-CC2_Swap Linear Template 04


e. Click OK.

f. The linear template processes with the new Template. Notice the change, there is curb at edge of driveway.

254-CC2_Swap Linear Template 05     255-CC2_Swap Linear Template 06

2. Edit Linear Template

a. From the Corridors tab, then from Edit Group Select Edit Template Drop.

256-CC2_Edit Linear Template 01

b. In the Locate Template Drop prompt, Select the Linear Template at Edge of Driveway.

257-CC2_Edit Linear Template 02


c. Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop Window appears along with the existing templated used at the template window i.e. Project Library>Driveway_No Curb

258-CC2_Edit Linear Template 03


d. Template can be edited in various ways and reviewed. For this example, Snow shelf will be changed from 2’ to 0.5’.

e. Double click SNOW_f point.

f. In the Point Properties dialog, change Horizontal Value from -2 to -0.5 under Constraint 2 and click Apply, then click Close.

259-CC2_Edit Linear Template 04


g. Click OK to close the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog.

h. The linear template processes with the new Template. Notice the change in width of snow shelf.

260-CC2_Edit Linear Template 05



Driveway Civil Cell can have various surface templates. The Surface Templates can be swapped or edited as per the project requirement.

1. Configure your screen views so that the Default view of civil cell is visible in View 1, and the 3D pavement section is visible in View 2.

a. In an open view, right-click and hold, and then select View Control > 2 Views Plan/3D.

261-CC2_Swap Surface Template_View control 01


b. In View 1, window area so that Driveway Civil Cell is visible.

c. In View 2, use the View Rotation tool to rotate the view to the end of the pavement section.

262-CC2_Swap Surface Template_View control 02


d. Click on a Driveway Main Surface Template (2-P_DRV Main Surface Template) in the 3D View.

263-CC2_Swap Surface Template_Select surface in 3D view

e. Open the Properties dialog and expand the Mesh Template group.

f. The current template is HWY Surface Templates> Bituminous Commercial Driveway

264-CC2_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 01


g. Click the Browse button in the right side of the Template Name label. This opens the Pick Template dialog.

265-CC2_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 02


h. Select the desired template prepared for the project and review. For this example, choose HWY Surface Templates> HMA_Pavement_Structure

266-CC2_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 03


i. Click OK.

j. The surface template processes with the new Template. Notice the change in 3D view. The surface updated from 2 layer to 3 layers of pavement.

267-CC2_Swap Surface Template_Change template name 04

2. User can edit the pavement thickness

a. Click and hover over the Driveway Main Surface Template (2-P_DRV Main Surface Template) in the 3D View.

b. From the Context Tool Bar, select Edit An Applied Surface Template

268-CC2_Edit Surface Template_Select surface in 3D view


c. In the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog, the pavement thickness can be edited.

d. For this example, EOR_sg_lt and EOR_sg_rt points depth will be changed from 1’ to 1.33’

269-CC2_Edit Surface Template_Edit template depth 01

e. Double click EOR_sg_lt point.

f. In the Point Properties dialog, change Vertical Value from -1 to -1.333 under Constraint 2 and click Apply then click Close.

270-CC2_Edit Surface Template_Edit template depth 02

g. Double click EOR_sg_rt point.

h. In the Point Properties dialog, change Vertical Value from -1 to -1.333 under Constraint 2 and click Apply then Click Close.

i. Click OK to close the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog.

j. The Depth of the bottom layer of the surface template is updated to the new value. You can see the change in the 3D view.


» DRIVEWAY (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) with curb CIVIL CELLS

For use with Civil Cells:

  • Commercial Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) with curb
  • Residential Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) with curb

This civil cell is same as Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) without curb. Only addition is there is a concrete curb provided at both sides of curb return.

Follow Section 3.3 above for Civil Cell Placement and Edits.

For this example, Residential Driveway (Sidewalk with Buffer Area) with curb is placed.

For this Civil Cell Only edits for the curb is shown.

1. Concrete curb is provided at both sides of curb return. The curb starts from Edge of road and ends just before the sidewalk

2. Height of concrete curb is transitioned from existing curb height to zero from Edge of road to curb end respectively as shown below.

401-CC4_Edit Curb 01

3. Length of curb and transition height of curb can be edited as required. This can be done via point controls.

4. Based on the requirements of the design, civil cell may need to be dropped.

5. The curb edits in this civil cell is similar to Section 3.2. Only difference is, there is as extra element 4-Curb Line L and 4-Curb Line R is added at curb return into the cell. We can select those line and slide up and down to change the length of the curb. The Linear Template of Concrete curb and point control associated with it will update automatically.

6. Select 4-Curb Line L. User may have to right-click a couple times to select the intended element as there are multiple overlapping elements. Change the End station to 0+04.00 or as desired. The Length and height transition of the curb will update.

402-CC4_Edit Curb 02     403-CC4_Edit Curb 03

404-CC4_Edit Curb 04     405-CC4_Edit Curb 05

7. To edit or check the point control of the linear template of curb, From the Corridors tab, then from Edit Group Select Corridor Objects.

406-CC4_Point control of conc curb 01

8. At Locate Corridor prompt select the Linear Template for of Concrete Curb. Select Point Control Tab in the Corridor Objects Window. From this window the height of curb and Length of curb can be defined.

407-CC4_Point control of conc curb 02

9. For example, lets change the value of the Curb Height at End Station from 0.00 to 0.3542. Civil Cell will update, Note the change in the curb height.

408-CC4_Point control of conc curb 03     409-CC4_Point control of conc curb 04


10. Swap out Linear Template from Concrete Curb to Bituminous Concrete Lip Curb (BCLC).

a. Click on a Linear Template of Concrete Curb in View 1, the 2D View.

b. Open the Properties dialog, and expand the Template Drop group.

The current template is Project Library>CC w base

410-CC4_Change Linear Template 01

c. Click the Browse button in the right side of the Template Name label. This opens the Pick Template dialog.

d. Select the desired template prepared for the project and review. For this example, choose Project Library>BCLC w base.

411-CC4_Change Linear Template 02

e. Click OK.

f. The linear template processes with the new Template of BCLC w base. Notice the change in curb.

412-CC4_Change Linear Template 03


g. New point control should be defined to the new Bituminous curb or Old point control for the concrete curb should be edited to match the Bituminous curb.

h. For this example old point control will be edited for the linear template of curb, From the Corridors tab, then from Edit Group Select Corridor Objects.

i. At Locate Corridor prompt select the Linear Template for of Concrete Curb. Select Point Control Tab in the Corridor Objects Window. Select the desired Point Control to edit.

413-CC4_Change Linear Template 04


Change the following:

Point: BCLC1 (This point is the name of the front point of the bituminous curb and it can be selected from dropdown menu)

Vertical Offset Start: 0.083

The Curb will update.

414-CC4_Change Linear Template 05

j. Highlight the desired point control, click Copy button then click Paste button to add new Point Control for the selected corridor.

415-CC4_Change Linear Template 06


k. Select the copied Point Control to edit. Change the following:

416-CC4_Change Linear Template 07

Change the following:

Control Description: TOC_Back

Point: BCLC (This point is the name of the back point of the bituminous curb, it can be selected from dropdown menu)

Vertical Offset Start: 0.375

The Curb will update.

417-CC4_Change Linear Template 08

l. Repeat the same process to edit the curb type and height for the right side of the driveway.


» DRIVEWAY (Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb) CIVIL CELLS

For use with Civil Cells:

  • Commercial Driveway (Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb).
  • Residential Driveway (Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb).


501-CC5_CTDOT Hwy Manual Fig 11-8D


CTDOT Highway Manual Figure 11-8D


Civil Cells for Driveways have been created to comply with the CT DOT Highway Manual 11-8.0 Driveways and CT DOT STANDARD SHEET NO. HW-921_01 Titled “DRIVEWAY RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS”

Both Commercial Driveway and Residential Driveway Civil Cells are similar in Civil Cell Reference requirement and placement. The workflow described will be same for both Civil Cells.


1. Edge of Road (EOR) of main road. EOR should have its own profile.

2. Driveway Centerline drawn perpendicular to Baseline of main road.

3. Driveway Matchline at the back of driveway.


1. The design file should have Baseline Alignment, Baseline Profile and roadway corridor in order to place civil cell. Profiled Edge of Road will come from template of Corridor.

2. Activate the “OpenRoads Modeling” workflow from the pick list next to Quick access toolbar in the upper left corner if it is not already active. The ribbon menu will reflect the OpenRoads Modeling tools.

3. From the ribbon, select “Geometry Tab.

4. From the Horizontal Group Select Lines > Line Between Points.

202-CC2_Create Line Between pts

5. Select Feature Definition > Driveway (Alignment > Center > Driveway)

203-CC2_Feature Defn_Driveway


6. Using the perpendicular snap draw a line perpendicular to Baseline of Main Road towards the Proposed Driveway. This is Driveway Centerline. Default name is DCL. User can change it as required.

504-CC5_Create Driveway CL


7. From the Horizontal Group Select Lines > Line Between Points

8. Select Feature Definition > Driveway Match Line (Linear > Roadway Geometry > Driveway Match Line)

205-CC2_Feature Defn_Driveway Matchline

9. Draw line crossing the Driveway Center line. This line is the limit of the driveway where it matches the existing driveway or ground. Default name is DrivewayMatch_Line. User can change it as required.

206-CC2_Create Driveway Matchline


10. Now we have all three references required for placing the Driveway Civil Cell. We can place the civil cell.


207-CC2_Three Reference Lines

11. From the ribbon, select Model Detailing Tab

12. From Civil Cells Group Select Place Civil Cell.

208-CC2_Place Civil Cell Command

13. In Civil Cell Name dialog box, click the browse button to open civil cell library.

209-CC2_Choose Civil Cell Name


14. Two options to can be chosen from, Commercial Driveway or Residential Driveway as per requirement.

a. For Commercial Driveway, expand the CV_Commercial_Driveway_CivilCells.dgnlib and Select Commercial Driveway (Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb) civil cell.

  • The dialog displays the planimetric layout of the selected civil cell with black lines.
  • The dialog also shows the reference lines on which the civil cell is based. These are the red lines and represent the baselines that must be present within the design file to place the civil cell.

210-CC2_Commercial Dwy_with SW_No Curb

b. For Residential Driveway, expand the CV_Residential_Driveway_CivilCells.dgnlib and Select Residential Driveway (Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb) civil cell.

211-CC2_Residential Dwy_with SW_No Curb

15. Click OK.

16. Follow the heads-up prompts:

a. Locate Reference Element: EOR (Profiled)(1/3), select the Main Road Edge of Road element.

b. Locate Reference Element: DRV CL (Perpendicular to Baseline) (2/3), select the Driveway Centerline element.

c. Locate Reference Element: DRV ML (3/3), select the Driveway Matchline element.

d. Select Elements to View Alternatives (Reset to Skip), there are couple of options according to the direction of the driveway cell.

i) If the direction of driveway is correct, then right-click to reset.

ii) If the direction of driveway is incorrect, see below, then hover over the Edge of Road, the arrow should appear over the EOR, left-click on the arrow. This should cause the curb return to flip to the correct side. Note the arrow’s change of direction.


212-CC2_Place Cell_arrow incorrect direction

Hover over the EOR until the arrow appears over EOR then left–click on arrow.


 213-CC2_Place Cell_arrow correct direction

The curb return will flip to the correct side.


g. Select Corridors To Be Clipped (Reset To Complete), right-click to reset.

h. Accept Civil Cell Placement, left-click to accept.

i. The Civil Cell is placed.



Series of edits can be done to the Civil Cells which demonstrate the flexibility and the ability to edit their component.

If the capabilities of Civil Cells seem confining, user can use the Drop Civil Cell tool to drop the placed Civil Cell into the components that make it up.


Driveway Civil Cells can be used to clip the corridor where it is placed. Civil Cell clipping does not clip out 2D graphics of the corridor but only in 3D view. Template edit of the main road corridor is recommended. Dropping elements outside of the curb from the corridor template at driveway limits is recommended for this civil cell.

There is various method to edit the template. One method is shown below.


1. From the ribbon, select Corridors Tab.

2. From the Create Group Select Copy Template Drop.

 214-CC2_Copy Template Drop Command

3. Follow the heads-up prompts.

4. At Locate Template Drop, Select the Main road Corridor Template Drop.

215-CC2_Copy Template Drop 01 



5. For Start Station, keypoint snap at start of left-side radius of driveway. For end station, keypoint snap at end of right-side radius of driveway. This will create copy of existing template drop at the driveway portion.

 216-CC2_Newly Copied Template Drop 01


6. This newly copied template drop needs to be edited. From the Edit Group Select Edit Template Drop.

 217-CC2_Edit Template Drop Command


7. For Locate Template Drop, Select the Newly Copied Template Drop.

8. Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop Window appears along with the existing template used at the template window.

9. Delete the end conditions component from the template outside of the Edge of Road element. For this right-click in the template window and select Delete Components from the drop-down menu.

218-CC2_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 01

10. Draw a line across each of the elements you wish to delete.

219-CC2_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 02

220-CC2_Edit Template Drop_Delete Component 03


11. Click OK to close the Editing Roadway Designer Template Drop dialog.

12. Review the driveway location. Notice the side slopes have been removed along the left side of the main road or across the newly placed driveway civil cell. The designer needs to add and transition the side slope at the curb return.

 221-CC2_Newly Copied Template Drop_Edited 01     



For this section please refer to previous civil cell as the process is identical.

Designers may need to adjust the curb transitions manually after the adjustment of the Reference Element.



1. Turn off the display of the Referenced 3D model, if it is not already turned off.

One “challenge” in editing Civil Cells is that sometimes it is hard to select what user want to select, especially with full 3D Civil Cells. User may have multiple overlapping 2D features overlapped with multiple overlapping 3D Features in the reference 3D Model. User may have to right-click a couple times to select the intended element.

  • Depending on user needs, user can turn off the Level of the 3D Model Reference or turn off its Display entirely. User can also turn off levels with graphics user find “unnecessary” right now. Construction Class element display can be turned on and off via View Attributes.

2. Change the Width of Driveway Shelf or Ramped Section and Sidewalk width of Civil Cell.

a. Make sure Constructions option is turned on in View Attributes window.


225-CC2_Edit Horz Geometry_View Attributes

b. From the ribbon, select Home Tab.

c. From the Primary Group, Select Level Display.

226-CC2_Level Display 01

d. Turn on the display for Level CIVILCELL_Const if it’s not on already.

227-CC2_Level Display 02

e. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the Sidewalk Front Line whose feature name is 5-CC_Const_SW Ft.

f. Once the line is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

g. Type desired value say -4’ and hit Return. The driveway shelf section is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

 525-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Dwy Shelf Width 01      526-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Dwy Shelf Width 02

h. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the Sidewalk Back Line whose feature name is 5-CC_Const_SW Bk.

i. Once the line is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

j. Type desired value say -8’ and hit Return. The sidewalk is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated. Adjust Sidewalk Back Line so that it’s back coincides with the existing Sidewalk back.

   527-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Sidewalk Width 01     528-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Sidewalk Width 02

3. Edit the Lane of Driveway Civil Cell.

a. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the right Edge of Driveway of the Civil Cell.

User may have to right-click a couple times to select the intended element.

b. Once the edge is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

529-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Lane Width 01     530-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Lane Width 02

c. Type desired value say 8’ and hit Return. The Lane width is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

Follow the same steps to edit the Left Lane width.


4. Edit the Width of Warped Section .

a. Use the Element Selection tool and Click on the 5-CC_Const_SW Ramp R1 of the Civil Cell.

b. Once the edge is selected, click on the midpoint Offset text manipulator.

c. Type desired value say -3’ and hit Return. The warped section is widened, and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated.

Follow the same steps to edit the Left Lane width.

531-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Warped Section 01     532-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Warped Section 02



5. Edit length of Sidewalk Transition and length of Sidewalk of Civil Cell along with Concrete Curb.

a. Sidewalk Transition length and Normal Sidewalk length are related to the curb length. User needs to change Length of Curb Transition in order to change Sidewalk Transition length. Similarly, Length of Curb changes the length of the Sidewalk.

b. Click on the Curb Front of Sidewalk at the right side of Driveway. This might require multiple right-clicks until the text manipulator is visible. The Elements of Curb and Curb Transition are combined in the Civil Cell. Both Length are editable.

c. Edit Length of Curb Transition from default 2.5’ to 3’ and hit Return. Sidewalk transition along with concrete curb and all dependent geometry and modeling is updated. User can edit Length of curb as needed;  default is 2’ .

d. Sidewalk Matchline also moves as length of Curb is changed. Designer needs to adjust the limits of Template drop.

533-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Curb Length 01

534-CC5_Edit Horz Geometry_Change Curb Length 02




1. Edit Vertical Geometry of Sidewalk in Civil Cell.

Elements to be familiar with, in order to edit the vertical geometry of Sidewalk in this Civil Cell.

535-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_01


A = Edge of Road Element (From Design File)

B = Curb Front at Left Side of Driveway (Same elevation as (A))

C = Curb Front Transition at Left Side of Driveway (Same elevation as (A))

D = Warped Section at Left Side of Driveway (1½” at (E) and Maintain1:12 Slope towards (C))

E = Driveway Lip Element (1½” above (A))

F = Warped Section at Right Side of Driveway (1½” at (E) and Maintain1:12 Slope towards (G))

G = Curb Front Transition at Right Side of Driveway (Same elevation as (A))

H = Curb Front at Right Side of Driveway (Same elevation as (A))

I = Curb Back at Left Side of Driveway (Curb Height, Default is 6” above (A))

J = Curb Back Transition at Left Side of Driveway (Line between (I)and (D), Maintain 1:12 Slope)

K = Front of Sidewalk Element inside of Driveway Edges (Default is 4” above (A))

L = Curb Back Transition at Right Side of Driveway (Line between (F)and (M), Maintain 1:12 Slope)

M = Curb Back at Right Side of Driveway (Curb Height, Default is 6” above (A))

N = Back of Sidewalk Element outside of Left Side of Driveway Edge (Default is 4.7” above (A))

O = Back of Sidewalk Element inside of Driveway Edge (Default is at +1.5% slope from (K))

P = Back of Sidewalk Element outside of Right Side of Driveway Edge (Default is 4.7” above (A))

1 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements B

2 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements B

3 = Point (4) Projected from Start point of elements D

4 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements D

5 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements D

6 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements F

7 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements F

8 = Point (7) Projected from End point of elements F

9 = Start point of Vertical Offset of elements H

10 = End point of Vertical Offset of elements H

11 = Start point of Vertical Offset of element N

12 = End point of Vertical Offset of element N

13 = Start point of Vertical Offset of element P

14 = End point of Vertical Offset of element P



Points 1, 10, 11 and 14 are Vertical Offsets referenced from Edge of Road (A). Its value can be changed as needed to match Existing or Designed Sidewalk elevation.

Points 12 and 13 are Vertical Offsets referenced from Edge of Road (A). Its value can be changed as needed. But its value should match elevation of element (O).

Points 4, 5, 6 and 7 are Vertical Offsets referenced from Edge of Road (A). Its value can be changed as needed to match Sidewalk warped section requirement.

Point 3 is projected from element (D) and should match point 4. Point 8 is projected from element (F) and should match point 7.

The Driveway Civil cell is provided with 1½” lip at the Edge of Road as per CTDOT standards. The Sidewalk front is placed 4” vertical offset from the edge of roadway, Sidewalk back inside the Driveway edge is +1.5% from Sidewalk front as per CTDOT Standards Drawing and Sidewalk back outside of Driveway edges are 4.9” vertical offset from edge of roadway , Driveway match line takes the elevation from the existing terrain. The elevation values can be changed for the sidewalk front and back.

a. As an example, Looking at the 3D view Civil Cell Match line does not exactly coincides with the existing sidewalk. Point 14 is 0.218’ below the Existing Back of sidewalk. Let’s edit the elevation or offset values of points 14, in order to coincide the existing sidewalk.

536-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Bk edit_01


b. Constructions option can be turned off in View Attributes window so that it is easy to select and edit the sidewalk elements.

c. Select element (P), Back of Sidewalk Element outside of Right Side of Driveway Edge  (5-SW Bk R).

537-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Bk edit_02


d. Open the Properties dialog and expand the Profile By Projecting LinEnt3d Slope Rule group.

e. The current value of End Vertical Offset is 0.378’. This is Point (14) and it is 0.378’ vertical offset from Edge of Road (A).

538-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Bk edit_03     539-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Bk edit_04


540-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_SW Bk edit_05


f. Similarly Point (11) can be edited.

NOTE: For editing Point (11) , Start Vertical Offset value from the Properties menu should be changed.


2. Edit Vertical Geometry of Driveway Centerline in Civil Cell

a. Select the Driveway Centerline (5-CC_Pr DRV CL).

b. Hover over the selected element over it until the Context Tool Bar pops up.

c. Click open profile model.

541-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 01


d. On Select or Open View model prompt, select one of the views and left-click on that view window.

542-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 02

e. The profile view of the Driveway Centerline will show up.

543-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 03



f. Similarly, both Edges of driveway’s profile can be viewed.

g. The profile of Driveway CL and Edge of driveway is generated from Edge of road elevation, Sidewalk front- and back-line elevation and the existing ground elevation at match line.

h. If the designer wants to change the elevation, select the Sidewalk front line or sidewalk back line element. (Select element (K) or (O))

i. Select Sidewalk front line, Open the Properties dialog and expand Profile By Projecting LinEnt3d Slope Rule group, Change Vertical Offset to desired elevation.

544-CC5_Edit Vert Geometry_Dwy CL profile 04


j. The profile will update automatically.


For this section please refer to previous civil cell as the process is identical.


For this section please refer to previous civil cell as the process is identical.