M.3.1 Typical Section Sheets


This module will instruct users on how to create Typical Section and Miscellaneous Details from 2D graphics. Users will create a Sheet Model and multiple Design Models in one DGN to compose what is needed to have different scaled details on one sheet. 


  • Place Typical Sections from Templates in the Project Roadway Template Library.
  • Create Design Models and a Sheet Model to house the Typical Sections and Details.
  • Dimension and Annotate using Annotation Scale.


  1. Create a DGN file from the civil sheet seed and save it to the Contract_Plans folder.

    …CT_Configuration\Organization\Seed\Road\Seed2D - CT RoadSheet.dgn

  2. Activate the CTDOT Workflow.

    Select CTDOT Workflow

  3. In the 2D Sheet Model change the Annotation Scale to Full Size 1 = 1.

    Edit Anntation Scale

  4. Edit the Sheet Name as needed.

    Edit Model Name

  5. Place the CTDOT Contract Border Cell using the tool supplied in the Ribbon.

    Place Contract Border Cell

  6. In the Properties Dialog Box Edit the Border information.

    Description: Drawing Title.

    Sheet Number: Drawing No.

    Edit Title Block Info

  7. A Design Model will need to be created to hold the Typical Sections and/or Detail graphics. On the Models Dialog Box select the New File Icon, in the Create Model Dialog Box select the following:

    Type: Design From Seed.

    Annotation Scale: Full Size 1 = 1.

    Enter a Name for the Model and Click OK.

    Create a Design Model from the Models Dialog Box

  8. To automate the drafting process Typical Sections can be displayed from the Roadway Template Library. In the Design model, use the Search command by Typing Display Template. The tool will appear, follow the prompts to place the Desired Roadway Template (if your Roadway Template Library is blank, see procedures in Volume 3 Section 3 - The Template Library. The Template will place using the active attributes, users will need to edit as necessary to get the desired look and layout.

    Display Roadway Template

  9. On the bottom left locate the Model Selector and change back to the Sheet Model.

    Changing Models

  10. Make sure the Models Dialog Box is opened. To reference drag the Design Model from the Model Dialog Box into a View in the Sheet Model. In the Attach Source files Dialog Box select the Attachment Method: Top.

    Design Model Drag to Reference in Sheet Model

  11. Follow the prompts for reference placement, it will come in very large (at full size).
  12. In the References Dialog Box change the Detail Scale as needed and move the Reference File to the desired location on the sheet.

    Reference Attachment Detail Scale Setting

  13. Dimension and Annotate as needed using the CTDOT Annotation and Dimensioning Tools.

    CTDOT Annotation Tools

  14. Add General Notes and a Legend. There is a table seed for the General Notes available in the Table Tool. In Search type Place Table, on the Place Table Dialog Box select Seed: General Notes and proceed to place the table.

    General Notes Table Seed

    Typical Section Annotation

  15. Create another Design Model and place the Line Work for another Detail.
  16. Change back to the Sheet Model.
  17. Drag the new Design Model into the Sheet Model using the Attachment Method: Top.
  18. In the References Dialog Box edit the Detail Scale as needed (for demonstration purposes) change it to something other than what was used in step 12.
  19. Move the Detail to the desired location on the sheet.
  20. Dimension and Annotate as needed.
  21. Notice the Text is the same size in both the Typical Section and Detail even though they are placed at two different detail scales.

    Compare Detail Scales

  22. Use the Measure Distance tool to measure elements in each detail, notice that it will measure at paper size. In the Reference Dialog Box Activate on a Reference and measure, notice you now get the true size. When dimensioning a reference the results will also yield the true element size.

    Activate Reference

  23. To return to editing the Sheet Deactivate the Reference.