M.2.2 Detail Sheet


This Module is broken into two sections, these workflows are to be used for simple 2D detailing.Dimension Styles, Element Templates, Scaled ASC Planes, and Custom Tools are provided with the CTDOT DDE to aide productivity.

  • Learn how to put multiple details drawn directly on a sheet at different scales.
  • Learn how to reuse base graphics on multiple details at different scales.


Introduction to Productivity Tools
Auxiliary Scale Detailing Workflow
Base Model Detailing Workflow


Introduction to Productivity Tools

Option 1 – Auxiliary Scale Detailing

Multiple details draw directly on a sheet at different scales.

Use this workflow to have several details drawn directly on a sheet and have each one drawn using its own scale. This will allow users to work in one model when detailing and not have to switch out and manage multiple models.

Users will work in a 2D Sheet Model at full scale and select Auxiliary Scales to work on different details. Users will dimension and annotate each detail in the Sheet Model.

Option 2 – Base Graphics Detailing

Reusing base graphics on multiple details at different scales.

Use this workflow to have base graphics re-used in multiple details. This method will have users draw base graphics in a Design Model, then reference those same graphics into a sheet model for different details. The details in the design model can be referenced into the sheet several times using different scales as needed. Users will dimension and annotate each detail in the Sheet Model.


The productivity tools can be found on the CTDOT Workflow, on the Alt Detailing Tab.

The Scaled Dimension section will be used when dimensioning each detail. Pull down menus are provided for dimensions using both 120 and 080 text sizes. Each pull down menu has tools that will set the needed Auxiliary Scale. There are also tools for Call Outs, Notes, Detail Titles and Scales in the Annotation section.

What does each Aux Scale tool trigger?

Selecting the Scaled Dimension section 120 Text Size/Aux Scale 3/4” = 1’, changes the ACS Scale and Element Template, which has an assigned Text Style, Dimension Style and Level.


Auxiliary Scale Detailing Workflow

1. Create a file using the corresponding seed file.

Note: If there is already a dgn file created for other detail sheets, users should import the Sheet Model from one of the seed files below. There are ACS Scales in these models that will be needed when using the productivity tools.


...CT_Configuration\Organization\Seed\Road\Seed2D - CT RoadSheet-Alt Detailing.dgn


...CT_Configuration\Organization\Seed\Buildings\Seed2D - CT BuildingsSheet-Alt Detailing.dgn 


...CT_Configuration\Organization\Seed\Bridge\Seed2D - CT BridgeSheet-Alt Detailing.dgn

2. Click on the Models icon and open the Sheet Model. Ensure that the ACS Plane Lock is enabled, on the Models Dialog select and highlight the Sheet Model and in the Properties dialog box make sure Locks\ACS Plane is set to True.

3. Select the CTDOT workflow and click on the Alt Detailing tab.

4. In the Annotation section click on the Detail Title pull down and select the desired scale for the detail. Place the Cell inside the sheet border and edit the Title text as needed.

5. In the Scaled Dimension section select either 120 Text Size or 080 Text Size, then proceed to pick your Aux Scale tool.

6. Inside the sheet draw the detail above the title using the Placement Tools.

7. To Dimension be sure to pick the corresponding Aux Scale tool again just to be sure the settings did not get changed while drawing the detail.

8. Use the Call Out and Notes tools to finish annotating.

9. Repeat 3-9 selecting a different scale, notice the dimensions work properly as they are based of the ACS Scale.

10. Save Settings.


Base Model Detailing Workflow

1. In the same file created in the Auxiliary Scale Detailing Workflow open the Design Model. Proceed to draw the line work for the Detail at full scale.

2. When the line work is complete open the Sheet Model. Click on the Models icon and open the Sheet Model. Ensure that the ACS Plane Lock is enabled, on the Models Dialog select and highlight the Sheet Model and in the Properties dialog box make sure Locks\ACS Plane is set to True.

3. Click on the Annotate tab, in the Detailing section select to the Detailing Symbols Styles dialog box. Right click on the Center Style option and select Activate.

4. Reference in the Design Model using the following settings:

Model: Select the Design Model

Orientation: Standard Views > Top

Detail Scale: Set as needed

Name: Name the Detail

Select OK and place the reference inside the Sheet Border.

5. Clip the Reference file Boundary as needed.

6. To Dimension access the Scaled Dimension section, select the desired Text Size pull down and pick the Aux Full Scale tool.

7. Use the Call Out and Notes tools to finish annotating.

8. Open the References dialog box, click on the Design Model Reference File make the option for Treat Attachment as Element for Manipulation active.

9. Use the Section tool to select all the elements of the Detail (Reference File, Annotation and Dimension) and move the Detail inside the sheet border as needed.

10. Repeat steps 4-9 using a different Scale, notice the dimensions work properly as they are based of the Design Model.

11. Save Settings.