Share the Road CT
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Decorative Line
Welcome. The Share the Road program strives to improve the knowledge of all roadway users – motorists, bicyclists, equestrians, motorcyclists, pedestrians – to promote safe travel and minimize the likelihood of crashes. Whether you are driving your car, truck, SUV, riding your bike, or merely walking, your safety depends on sharing the road safely with other vehicles and users. Explore this site to learn what you and your family can do to stay safe.

Decorative Line
Connecticut General Statute Section 14-232, effective October 1, 2008, requires Connecticut motorists to allow at least three feet of separation when overtaking and passing cyclists. Failure to do so could cause motorists to receive a fine under the motor vehicle code “failure to grant the right of way to a bicycle” (14-242).

Because of the large disparities in size, weight and speed between bicycles and motor vehicles, cyclists are at a tremendous disadvantage in the result of a collision with a car or truck. This new law strives to increase motorist awareness of bicycles, and to make conditions safer by preventing collisions.

Note: There is no MUTCD approved sign that can be used to communicate the new law. According to FHWA, roadside signing should not be used to convey laws - instead, public awareness campaigns are more appropriate and effective for promoting such laws.
Safety Tips and Resources for All Types of Transportation Users
Listen to Share the Road Radio Commercials
Bicycle Safety and Training Websites
Connecticut Bicycle & Pedestrian Organizations 
Cycling Clubs
More Useful Links
For further information please:
E-Mail to: Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
or write to:
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
P.O. Box 317546
Newington, CT 06131-7546