Municipal Grant Program (MGP)

Guidance and Forms

The following guidance and forms are for grantees awarded MGP funding through the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.



Phase 1: Administrative Plan/MOU Forms:

Phase 2: Project Implementation, Monitoring and Reimbursement Forms:

Reimbursement Request Forms and Certification Forms:

The following forms should be completed with each reimbursement request. Please download and submit to the DESPP Program Manager when submitting for reimbursement under these grant programs. 

Quarterly Reporting/Monitoring Forms:
On a quarterly basis, DESPP requires the grantee to submit a Project Status Update to the grant program manager. The required Project Status Update forms are as follows:

Quarterly Reporting Schedule:


Due Date

July 1- September 30

October 31

October 1- December 31

January 31

January 1- March 31

April 30

April 1- June 30

July 30

Phase 3: Closeout Process

Following the completion and reimbursement of a Municipal Grant Program project, DESPP will prepare a project closeout form and send to the subgrantee for confirmation of expenses and project completion and signature. The following forms, may also be requested by DESPP from the subgrantee to officially close the project.