Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area

ATTENTION (February 27, 2025): Pardon our appearance while some demolition work is underway near the Sessions Woods Conservation Education Center. Be aware of loud noises and large vehicles near the entrance to the Beaver Pond Trail.

The Sessions Woods Conservation Education Center is open on Mondays - Fridays, from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM (except for holidays). The trails and parking area are open for public use from sunrise to sunset. Hunting and fishing licenses, stamps, and permits can be purchased at the front office at Sessions Woods and also 24/7 on the DEEP’s Online Outdoor Licensing System. These items can also be purchased at outdoor equipment retailers and some town halls (please check with your local town hall to find out about availability or any restrictions). Check the DEEP Calendar for a listing of events and activities. The best way to reach Sessions Woods staff is to call the Wildlife Division at 860-424-3011 or send an email to

ATTENTION: The beaver marsh boardwalk at the Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area is currently closed for repairs until further notice. Wheelchair and public access will not be available until the repairs are completed.

Sessions Woods Sign

Visitors to Sessions Woods are advised to “Be Bear Aware” when hiking the trails. Black bears are commonly observed at the area and along the trails. Before starting your hike, become familiar with what you should do if you encounter a bear

Learn About Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat

The biggest threat facing Connecticut's wildlife species is the loss of habitat. As more land is developed, there is less land that wildlife can call home. Because more than 90 percent of our state's acreage is privately owned, both large and small landowners, as well as all Connecticut residents, must play a critical role in Connecticut's wildlife conservation efforts. To meet this need, the Wildlife Division established the Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area (WMA), located in Burlington, Connecticut.

Exhibit room

The purchase was made possible with the help of sportsmen-generated Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (Pittman-Robertson) funds. More than just a tract of natural land set aside for wildlife, Sessions Woods WMA introduces visitors to wildlife and natural resources management through various educational programs, demonstration sites, self-guided hiking trails, and displays. Visitors will develop a better understanding of the Wildlife Division's role in managing Connecticut's wildlife populations, as well as learn about what they can do to have a positive impact on the future of Connecticut's wildlife and other natural resources.


Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration logo and tagline.

The Focus of Sessions Woods WMA

Guided trail hike

Sessions Woods WMA focuses on conservation education, with facilities to bring school groups, the general public and natural resource professionals from throughout Connecticut and the region to participate in educational programs, demonstrations, and workshops pertaining to wildlife and natural resource management. These facilities include an education center with an exhibit area and a large meeting room, as well as interpretive trails, and habitat management demonstration sites. Sessions Woods WMA offers conservation education programs that use the expertise of Wildlife Division and other DEEP natural resource management staff. Staff may also be available, by appointment, to conduct group educational programs at the Center and to give technical assistance and professional advice to visitors on an individual basis.

Wildlife for the Future

The future of Connecticut's wildlife resources depends largely on citizens' involvement and concern. The educational and interpretive features of Sessions Woods WMA encourage public awareness, understanding, and enjoyment of wildlife. Please join the Connecticut Wildlife Division in meeting the challenge of wildlife conservation and management.

When you walk the wildlife habitat trails at Sessions Woods WMA, in Burlington, you experience more than just the benefits of a healthy hike. Demonstrations of wildlife and habitat management practices are featured along the Beaver Pond Trail, Forest Meadow Trail, and in the Backyard Habitat Demonstration Area.

For a safe and enjoyable visit, please observe the following rules:

  • Trails open at sunrise and close at sunset.
  • Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
  • Carry out what you carry in.
  • Motorized vehicles, horses, and horseback riding are prohibited.
  • Fires and unauthorized camping are not allowed. Youth group camping coordinated with programs or activities at Sessions Woods is available by permit.
  • Collecting of plants and wildlife or feeding of wildlife are prohibited.
  • Bowhunting and waterfowl hunting are by special permit only. Inquire at the office for details.

Be careful of poison ivy along the trails and check yourself thoroughly for ticks.

Additional Resources

Sessions Woods Trail Map
Sessions Woods Tree ID Trail Guide
The Birds of Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area
Hazard Trees at Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area

Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area 10-year Management Plan

How to Get There

Map of Sessions Woods WMA location.

Sessions Woods WMA and Conservation Education Center is located on Route 69, about three miles south of Route 4 in Burlington and three miles north of Route 6 in Bristol. (341 Milford Street, Burlington).

For more information about features, activities, and how you can become a "Friend of Sessions Woods", contact the Wildlife Division at or 860-424-3011.

This program receives federal financial assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability.

If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility, or if you need more information, please write to:
Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights
U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20240

Content last updated on February 27, 2025.