Industrial Stormwater General Permit

The General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity (“Industrial Stormwater General Permit”) regulates industrial facilities with point source discharges that are engaged in specific activities listed in the permit. To register for this program, these facilities must submit a registration form, and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP). The PPP must include information about the site, an inventory of exposed materials, a summary of potential pollutants, a description of and schedule for implementation of storm water control methods, storm water monitoring, and site inspection.  


 Guidance Documents:

Video Tutorial - Common Compliance Problems with the Industrial General Permit

Go Paperless with DEEP's ezFile!

 Go Paperless with DEEP's ezFile!

ezFile Logo

How to register using ezFile:
  • Set up a User Account (Instructions for creating a new account)
    (Anyone who intends to prepare, review and/or submit a registration electronically within the ezFile portal must create an account.)
  • Create a Subscriber Agreement (SA) electronically in ezFile. (Instructions for creating an SA)
  • Print Subscriber Agreement.
  • Get "wet" signatures on Subscriber Agreement.
Update: A scanned pdf of the signed subscriber agreement must be emailed to  Maintain the originally-signed agreement in your records to be made available upon DEEP request.
  • Every person that will fill out, edit, review, certify, or submit an electronic filing must be
    identified and assigned a role. (Instructions for Assigning User Roles)
  • Once you have received email approval of your SA, you can login to ezFile and complete a filing.
    Remember: ezFile has been optimized for Google Chrome.
If a registrant is not capable of submitting electronically, meaning that they do not have access to a computer, or if you have other questions or concerns regarding ezFile, please contact the stormwater group at 860-424-3025 or
Check the Status of your Registration/Certification
Stormwater Monitoring Report Forms:
Use the appropriate form, from the list below, to submit stormwater monitoring data to the department. Refer to Section 5(e) of the general permit with modifications for specific information on monitoring requirements.

Update: A scanned pdf of the stormwater monitoring report must be emailed to deep.stormwaterstaff@ct.govMaintain the original stormwater monitoring report in your records to be made available upon DEEP request.
Types of Facilities
Revision Date 10/17/11
General (for facilities without sector-specific requirements) Word , PDF
Sector A - Asphalt Plants Word , PDF
Sector B - Mines & Quarries and Stone Cutting Word , PDF
Sector C - Refuse Systems Word , PDF
Sector D - Auto Salvage Yards Word , PDF
Sector E - Scrap Recycling Facilities Word , PDF
Sector F - Steam Electric Power Generation Word , PDF
Sector G - Transportation and Public Works Facilities
  • (Non-Municipal) Transportation Facilities (SIC Codes 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 - except 4493 and 45) (use the general form)
Word , PDF
  • Large Airports
Word , PDF
  • Small Airports
Word , PDF
  • Federal, State or Municipal Maintenance/Repair/Salt Storage Facilities
  • Bulk Solid De-icing Material Storage Facilities
  • DOT Maintenance and Repair Facilities
Word , PDF
Sector H - Marinas, Yacht Clubs, Boat Dealers Word , PDF
Sector I - Ship & Boat Building and Repair Word , PDF
Sector J - Small Scale Composting Facilities Word , PDF

Stormwater Management

Content Last Updated January 09, 2025