Construction Stormwater General Permit

The General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities  ("Construction Stormwater General Permit") requires developers and builders to implement a Stormwater Pollution Control Plan to prevent the movement of sediments off construction sites into nearby water bodies and to address the impacts of stormwater discharges from a project after construction is complete.


  •  Renewal Status
    • On Thursday, January 9, 2025 DEEP held a virtual public listening session to solicit feedback and comments from interested stakeholders for the renewal of the Construction Stormwater General Permit. Additional comments and feedback are being accepted until January 23, 2025 and should be submitted to

  • Documents

Construction Stormwater General Permit and Registration Information:
Go Paperless with DEEP's ezFile!
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How to register using ezFile:
  • Set up a User Account   (Instructions for creating a new account)
    (Anyone who intends to prepare, review and/or submit a registration electronically within the ezFile portal must create an account.)
  • Create a Subscriber Agreement (SA) electronically in ezFile. (Instructions for creating an SA)
  • Print Subscriber Agreement.
  • Get "wet" signatures on Subscriber Agreement.
    Update: A scanned pdf of the signed subscriber agreement must be emailed to  Maintain the originally-signed agreement in your records to be made available upon DEEP request.
  • Every person that will fill out, edit, review, certify, or submit an electronic filing must be
    identified and assigned a role. (Instructions for Assigning User Roles)
  • Once you have received email approval of your SA, you can login to ezFile and complete a filing.
    Remember: ezFile has been optimized for Google Chrome.
  • If a registrant is not capable of submitting electronically (they do not have access to a computer), or if you have other questions or concerns regarding ezFile, please contact the stormwater group at 860-424-3025 or
  • Posting of Registrations for the Construction Stormwater General Permit:
  • This link will show registrations received and provide a date by which time citizens can comment on the registrant's Pollution Control Plan.
  • To request or comment on a registration or Pollution Control Plan, submit a written request/ comment to A request/comment must include your name, contact information, and the project’s Application Number. Registration information will remain posted on this webpage for at least 90 days from the date of registration receipt.
  • Stormwater Management

Content Last Updated January 15, 2025