Solid Waste & Recycling Hauler Resources

Waste and recycling haulers and collectors are instrumental to the success of Connecticut’s solid waste management programs. Haulers and collectors have the opportunity to ensure that customers understand the environmental and economic benefits of recycling and help the state track and evaluate waste and diversion rates. The state has a goal of recovering 60% of our municipal solid waste through waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting by 2024.
As we seek to increase our recycling and recovery rates in Connecticut, everyone needs to do their part - including haulers and collectors. Below are resources for the hauler community that can be used to better understand Connecticut’s general and hauler/collector-specific recycling requirements, including hauler reporting forms, sample letters, links to other best practices and technical assistance resources.
NEW: DEEP Educational Materials for Haulers (2019)
(Save Money and Reduce Trash)
Presentations from the September 27, 2016 - Hauler Outreach Meeting at DEEP
The DEEP Source Reduction and Recycling group held a series of hauler educational sessions focused on CT’s recycling and solid waste requirements. These outreach meetings have addressed existing law as well as changes and clarifications pursuant to Public Act 10-87. The following resources are being used to help communicate CT’s recycling requirements to haulers and are subject to revision in the future.
Presentation on PA 10-87 Requirements (June 2011)
(September 2011)
(September 2011)
Hauler/Collector Annual Reporting Forms
If you are a solid waste hauler/collector in CT, you are required to submit annual reports to both the DEEP and to the municipalities in which you collect. All of the reporting forms can be found on our Solid Waste and Recycling Reporting Forms webpage.
If you have a customer that refuses recycling services because they have some other type of recycling arrangement, you should document that you offered them recycling and trash services. The best way to protect yourself is to provide a receipt that your customer signs that shows they were offered your recycling services and that they are opting out. Keep these receipts in your records. This sample "Documentation of Existing Recycling Contract" form (Word, PDF) can be used as-is, or used as a basis upon which to create your own form.
If you have questions regarding hauler responsibilities pertaining to the recycling laws, please contact the DEEP Recycling Program at 860-424-3366.
Content Last Updated February 2020