Solid Waste and Recycling Data

How Much Waste Do We Dispose and Recycle?
Where Does It All Go?

We put our trash and recyclables at the curb or drop them off at the local transfer station and then what? Ever wonder what happens next? Actually, information about the types, amounts, and destinations of that material is used for a variety of purposes. In order to obtain that information, state law and regulation require solid waste and recycling data to be submitted to the Connecticut DEEP by municipalities and by permitted solid waste facilities. These facilities include, but are not limited to: transfer stations, resource recovery facilities, landfills, composting facilities, scrap metal facilities, recycling processing facilities, and C&D Volume Reduction Plants.

DEEP is currently undergoing a stakeholder engagement process to update annual data reports. Data through 2022 is currently available by request. Please contact Brenna Giannetti at for data requests or to receive notifications regarding the stakeholder engagement process. More information is available here

Hands Holding Bar Graph 

How is the Data Used?

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) data reported to the DEEP has been used to:

  • Track the state and municipal MSW recycling, disposal and generation rates;
  • Identify in-state disposal and recycling capacity issues;
  • Calculate the environmental benefits resulting from the recycling of specific material types;
  • Share information with other states looking at MSW import and export issues;
  • Identify solid waste management needs;
  • Develop and amend the State Solid Waste Management Plan
  • Track the success of Connecticut’s recycling efforts and help identify recycling marketing issues;
  • Track solid waste facility compliance with permit requirements;
  • Help decide capacity for new solid waste facility permitting and for permitting expansions at existing solid waste facilities;
  • Provide data to recycling processors, brokers, and manufacturers looking for sources of specific recycled materials for feedstock for paper mills and for other manufacturing processes; and

In an effort to make details of the reported municipal solid waste (MSW) and recycling data more accessible to the public, the Department will post data reports (audited and analyzed data) and raw data (unaudited data and preliminary analysis of unaudited data) on this web page as it becomes available.

Connecticut Solid Waste Data Reports
Report Descriptions Reports
CT Statewide Average Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Statistics
  • This report provides average MSW recycling, disposal, and generation rates for Connecticut by fiscal year.  It also compares MSW statistics for various years.
Miscellaneous Information Regarding Municipal Recycling Programs
  • This report summarizes municipal responses regarding various aspects of their recycling/source reduction programs.
  • Series of maps indicating how trash and recyclables are collected in each CT municipality
MSW Data for Individual CT Municipalities*
  • Summary Report - MSW Recycling and Disposal Rates for Each CT Municipality
  • Detailed Report - MSW Recycling Data for Each CT Municipality
  • First Destination of MSW Disposed from Each CT Municipality** 
CT Solid Waste (SW) Facility Data - MSW Disposed
  • MSW Reported Received by CT Resource Recovery Facilities & Landfills
  • Solid Waste Reported Sent Out from CT Resource Recovery Facilities
  • SW Reported Received by CT Regional (Multi-town) Transfer Stations
  • SW Transferred by CT Regional and Selected Single Town Transfer Stations 
CT Solid Waste Data - MSW Recycled
  • Bottles, Cans, & Paper Reported Received by CT Recycling Facilities and Regional Transfer Stations 
  • Recyclables Sent Out From CT SW Facilities 

* Historically, through FY2008, municipal recycling tonnages were based on recycling reports submitted to the Connecticut DEEP by CT municipalities and disposal tonnages were based on reports submitted to the DEEP by CT transfer stations, CT resource recovery facilities, and CT landfills. Starting in FY2009 recycling data regarding bottles, cans, and paper recycled from each municipality will be based mostly on quarterly reports submitted to the DEEP by permitted solid waste facilities.

** Does not include MSW that was disposed directly out-of-state without first passing through a CT solid waste facility.

Miscellaneous Unaudited Connecticut Solid Waste Data

The data presented below reflects unaudited data and preliminary analysis of unaudited data as entered into the DEEP Solid Waste Database and will only be listed below until the data is audited, analyzed, and included in the Connecticut Solid Waste Data Reports (see table above). This data is broken down by 1) the receiving solid waste or recycling facility, 2) by town/city or regional solid waste facility of origin, and 3) by tons received by quarter (i.e. January-March, April-June, September-September, October-December). The fiscal year represents the period July 1st through June 30th. Please note that the Excel files require Microsoft Excel software to view.

Data Descriptions Data
  • Graph - CT MSW Disposed.  Note: data after 6/2010 is unaudited.
CY2008-CY2012 by Quarter
  • Graphs - Solid Waste Received and Burned at Each CT MSW Resource Recovery Facility.  Note: data after 6/2010 is unaudited.
CY2008-CY2012 by Quarter
  • Graph – Ash Generated at Each CT MSW Resource Recovery Facility. Note: data after 6/2010 is unaudited.
  • Solid Waste Reported Received by CT MSW Resource Recovery Facilities and Regional Landfills
FY2017 WordPDF
FY2016 WordPDF
  • Bottles, Cans and Paper (BCP) - Reported Received by CT Recycling Facilities and Regional Recycling Transfer Stations
FY2017 Word; PDF
FY2016 Word; PDF
  • Bottles, Cans and Paper (BCP) - Reported Sent Out by CT Recycling Facilities and Regional Recycling Transfer Stations
FY2017 Word; PDF 
  • Disposed MSW Reported Received by CT MSW Resource Recovery Facilities, CT Landfills, and CT Regional Solid Waste Transfer Stations
FY2016 Word; PDF
  • Solid Waste Reported Received and Sent Out by CT Regional Transfer Stations
FY 2017 Word; PDF

Questions Regarding the Above Solid Waste or Recycling Data? 

Contact Brenna Giannetti at or 860-424.3536

Regarding Solid Waste or Recycling Reporting Requirements?
Contact Paula Guerrera at 860-424-3334.


Content Last Updated March 13, 2024.