The Connecticut Bottle Bill
Updated list of covered beverages as of Jan. 1, 2024
On August 2, 2022 Commissioner Dykes released an Order in light of the upcoming changes to the bottle bill statute, including the expansion to new types of covered beverages on January 1, 2023 and the increase in the deposit from $0.05 to $0.10 beginning January 1, 2024. The Order would allow for the use of the words "Redemption Value" or the abbreviation "CTRV" on labels to signify that they can be redeemed for $0.05 prior to January 1, 2024 and $0.10 beginning on January 1, 2024. The purpose of the Order is to minimize disruption to product distribution and avoid any potential supply chain disruptions that could harm consumers.
NEW: Bottle Bill Stakeholder Process
Effective immediately, all Exemption Applications shall be submitted for review by email to See Manufacturer's Information below.
Connecticut is one of 10 states in the U.S. that are "bottle bill" states. Bottle bills, also known as container redemption programs, may have slightly different provisions in each state, but essentially they work by charging a small deposit on a container at the time of purchase which is then returned to the consumer when the empty bottle is returned. Below please find more resources and information about the Connecticut bottle bill and container redemption programs in general.
General Information | |
(FAQ's) about the Connecticut Bottle Bill and its recent changes
Beverage Container Redemption Center Registration Form
Effective immediately, all Redemption Center Registration Forms shall be submitted for review by email to |
Connecticut Regulations for Bottle Bill Deposit and Redemption |
Summary of Connecticut Bottle Bill Legislation |
Manufacturer's Information | |
The only exception to Exemption Application submittals after November 1st is for a new manufacturer who started bottling/selling noncarbonated beverages after November 1st. State whether you are a NEW manufacturer in Parts I and III of the Exemption Application form.
Exemption Application Word, PDF
Effective immediately, all Manufacturer Exemption Applications shall be submitted for review by email to |
Container Redemption Resources
Bottle Bill Redemption Rate:
Bottle Bill Resource Guide by the Container Recycling Institute
The Container Recycling Institute, studies and promotes policies and programs that increase recovery and recycling of beverage containers and shift the social and environmental costs associated with manufacturing, recycling, and disposal of container and packaging waste from government and taxpayers to producers and consumers.
Bottle Bill Myths and Facts - the Container Recycling Institute
Beverage Container Resources
Life Cycle Assessment of Drinking Water Delivery Systems: Bottled Water, Tap Water and Home/Office Delivery Water a study by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality that shows that tap water is a far better environmental choice than recycling single-use bottles.
Makers of Reverse Vending Machines
Olyns: You can read more about the machines at this link.
Environmental Products Corporation (ENVIPCO)
For More Information
For general questions, complaints regarding non-compliance, or for information concerning redemption center registration, please contact
Disclaimer: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) maintains the content on this web site to enhance public access to information and facilitate understanding of waste reduction, reuse and recycling. The department is not recommending these resources over any others and recognizes these represent only a partial listing of resources on this subject.
Content Last Updated March 2025.