The Clean Water Fund Financial Assistance for Municipal Projects

The Clean Water Fund is the mechanism through which CT DEEP provides financial assistance to municipalities for projects addressing wastewater needs.

Due to resource constraints, municipalities should allocate a minimum of 90 calendar days from the date of submission to CT DEEP for the review and comment or approval of any document submitted related to the Clean Water Fund.  These documents may include, but are not limited to, funding applications, engineering reports, plans and specifications, and professional services contracts.

Implementation or execution of such documents without prior written approval by CT DEEP will result in loss of funding eligibility for the subject of the document. 

Reports Regarding CWF
Applications for Funding - All Applications should be returned to:  Questions should be sent to:
FY26-27 Call For Projects

The Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) is preparing the Clean Water Fund Priority List for FY 2026 and FY 2027  (7/1/25 – 6/30/27) and is requesting that you provide us with information on any planning, design, or construction project(s) you intend to start between the period listed above.

Some updates to the FY26-27 Project Request form have been made for this round.  Please review the Priority List Memo and Project Request Form for the updates.

Please be aware that your municipality MUST complete a Project Request Form for ALL NEW AND EXISTING projects for which you may seek funding. DO NOT ASSUME that if your project has been included on a previous Priority List, that it will be included in the evaluation for FY2026 and FY2027. 

FY26-27 Call for Projects Memo Please read the memo for more information.

FY26-27 Project Request Form Please fill out the form and submit it by Friday, January 17, 2025.

Remember to submit all forms and additional information to the Clean Water Fund (CWF)  dedicated email account; 

Priority Lists
FY 2024 - 2025
The final FY24-25 Priority List was issued on July 8, 2024 and associated documents including the PowerPoint Presentation and comments from the Priority List Hearing are available in one document:

A virtual public hearing was held for the Draft FY2024 - FY2025 Clean Water Fund Priority List on February 7, 2024 at 1:00pm via ZOOM.  Comments submitted to the Department on the draft priority list were reviewed and revisions made, as necessary. 

Please contact us with any questions.

Intended Use Plan

The CT Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program is authorized by the Clean Water Act and is capitalized with funds from the federal government, plus a required 20% match of funds from the state. Each year, the CWSRF program must submit a plan to the US EPA discussing how the program intends to apply that year’s funding on projects that address the state’s highest priority water quality needs. This ‘Intended Use Plan,’ or IUP, includes a list of projects from CT’s Clean Water Fund Priority List, short- and long-term goals of the program, how the funds would be distributed, information on the activities to be supported, and how the program will meet certain specific requirements pertaining to the management and use of the funds.  Since the IUP directly aligns with the Priority List, public review and comment of the IUP occurs simultaneously with the public notice process for CT’s Clean Water Fund Priority List.   

EPA General Terms and Conditions for all Clean Water Fund Agreements
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise-DBE (MBE/WBE) Forms and Memos
Clean Water Fund Eligibility
Clean Water Fund Program Administrative Requirements
Please note that the above lists contain all current, valid Clean Water Fund memos.

For additional information regarding the Clean Water Fund associated with the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities please contact us by e-mail or call the Municipal Wastewater Section at 860-424-3704.


Municipal Wastewater


Content last updated November 19, 2024