State Environmental Conservation Police

The mission of the State Environmental Conservation (EnCon) Police is to provide natural resource protection and public safety through education, outreach and enforcement in the areas of fish and game, boating, commercial fishing, wildlife management, parks and forests.

EnCon Police have state-wide conservation law enforcement responsibilities and work in three unique geographical districts each managed by a district Captain and overseen by a Colonel.

They have responsibility over 255,000 acres of agency owned lands and waters that includes state forests, state parks, wildlife management areas and boating access areas.

EnCon Police responsibilities include:
  • The historical missions of hunting, fishing and boating enforcement;
  • Criminal enforcement;
  • Emergency response and public safety patrols in our state parks, forests and campgrounds (Connecticut averages 8 million visitors per year);
  • Significant involvement in Homeland Security missions in Connecticut;
  • Conducting port security checks and patrolling public watershed properties as an anti-terrorism measure;
  • Serving as the primary backup agency for the United States Coast Guard on Long Island Sound for search and rescue;
  • The patrol element of Connecticut’s shellfish program;
  • Cooperative enforcement agreement with NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement;
  • Boating accident investigation; and
  • Conducting boating patrols on Connecticut’s state waterways.

The Connecticut Environmental Conservation Police have specialized law enforcement units which the Colonel manages including K9, Chemical Immobilization, Boating Accident Reconstruction, Hunting Related Shooting Incidents and PEER support.

Additional information:

Contact an Officer |   Make a Commendation/File a Complaint  |   History 

Related Information:

Boating Safety and Education
Conservation Education/Firearms Safety Courses
James V. Spignesi, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Nuisance/Distressed Wildlife
Report a Black Bear Sighting


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