Overview Emergency Response Unit

The Emergency Response Unit responds 24 hours per day to emergencies that result from accidental and deliberate discharges and uncontrolled releases of chemicals, hazardous wastes, petroleum products and other hazardous materials.  The Unit works closely with the Radiation Division in responding to transportation, industrial and research facility emergencies/incidents involving ionizing radiation.

DEEP ERU Preparing for Exercise with Local, State and Federal Partners DEEP ERC Dealing with Chlorine Containers DEEP serving the Incident Commander at Mill Fire


The Emergency Response Unit has the following resources:

ERU responding to a leak from a truck accident Level A, B & C response capability. ERCs have access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including totally encapsulating suits, self-contained breathing apparatus and other protective clothing and respiratory equipment. 
DEEP Booming Trailer Response vehicles, including a Mass Casualty Decon Trailer, chemical and oil response trailers, a mobile laboratory, and subsurface investigation equipment.
Various Emergency Response Tools Used by ERCs A variety of analytical instrumentation for real time on-site assessment.
DEEP ERU Spill Response Boat Marine response capability including containment boom trailers and boats located in strategic areas of the state.

Emergency Spill Response

Spill Reporting

Emergency Response and Spill Prevention

Spill Prevention

Floating Boom Retention Device Reporting Requirement

Marine Terminal Licensing Requirement

Content Last Updated December 2012