Osborne Homestead Museum
Holiday Tours and Programs

Museum Holiday Hours 2024
Friday, November 29 - Saturday, December 21
Thursdays thru Sundays 10 AM - 4 PM
Holiday Twilight Tours
Fridays - December 6, December 13, and December 20 ~ 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Guided Tours
The Museum offers both self-guided tours and docent-led tours.
Docent-led tours allow guests to experience the museum with a trained tour guide or volunteer docent. Self-guided tours allow guests to experience the museum on their own, and docents will be present to answer questions and direct traffic flow. Registration for groups is appreciated and can be done by calling (203) 734-2513 or emailing DEEP.Kellogg@ct.gov.
Twilight Tours are self-guided tours during the twilight and evening times on Fridays from 4pm to 7pm. No registration is required for Twilight Tours.
Many wonderful clubs and decorators contribute to this year's holiday festivities. They include Derby Garden Society, Garden Club of Orange, Long Hill Garden Club, Naugatuck Garden Club, Olde Ripton Garden Club of Shelton, Garden Club of Woodbridge, Valley Arts Council, Women Redefining Retirement from Milford, and Ye Olde Kellogg Garden Club.
Scenes from Years Past
Content Last Updated June 2024