Building Requirements and Codes


State Building Code

The State Building Code recognizes the special nature of historic structures and allows certain alternatives to the life safety code as long as safe design, use and construction are not affected. The State's Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) reviews applications for designation of historic structure status and for preservation and rehabilitation work in compliance with established standards.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 provides special consideration for historic resources by establishing minimum requirements for physical access to properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, as well as for properties listed on the State Register of Historic Places.

SHPO reviews and provides technical assistance for projects that seek to use the minimum requirements for historic properties. In cases where using minimum standards would threaten or destroy the significance of the resource, SHPO staff provides supporting documentation and assists in the development of alternative access.

Lead Paint Abatement

When a property 50 years old or older requires lead abatement, the Connecticut Department of Health Services Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations mandate that the State's Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) determine whether the building, structure or site is historic in order to provide guidance on appropriate abatement techniques. The SHPO reviews lead abatement projects for compliance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings.


Todd Levine at (860) 500-2337 or