Local governments may strengthen their local historic preservation efforts by achieving Certified Local Government (CLG) status from the National Park Service.
This program creates a local, state and federal partnership that promotes historic preservation at the grassroots level. It seeks to develop and maintain local historic preservation programs that will influence the zoning and permitting decisions critical to preserving historic properties. It also works to ensure the broadest possible participation of local governments in the national historic preservation program while maintaining the preservation standards established by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior.
In Connecticut, Certified Local Governments may apply for Historic Preservation Enhancement Grants (HPEG) and Supplemental Certified Local Government Grants (SCLG).
How to Apply for CLG Status
A local government's chief elected official may request CLG certification from the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism.
That request should include:
- written assurance that the local government fulfills the program requirements as described in the Certified Local Government program manual;
- a copy of the local historic district/property study report(s) and/or ordinance(s) adopted (pursuant to C.G.S., Section 7-147) containing, but not necessarily limited to, the following:
- statement of purpose;
- definitions;
- specific membership and duties of historic district/property commission;
- criteria for designation of local historic district and/or properties;
- designations for public notification of public hearings on designation;
- provisions for public notification of public hearings on designation;
- mandatory review of alterations, demolitions or new construction within the boundaries of listed historic districts and/or properties;
- specific design guidelines to be used by the historic preservation review commission. (Note: The U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation may be adopted to fulfill this requirement.)
- specific timeframes for review of alternatives;
- list of historic districts and/or properties designated under the ordinance, together with boundary maps and statements of historical and/or architectural significance for each district/property;
- penalties for noncompliance with local historic preservation ordinance.
- resumes demonstrating the interest of each member of the historic preservation review commission in historic preservation, including, where appropriate, credentials or member expertise in field related to historic preservation;
- a copy of the local historic preservation plan, if available, or a statement describing the existing/proposed local preservation program, including survey, designation and protection activities;
- a statement of how staff requirements will be met that is acceptable to the Connecticut Historical Commission;
- a copy of the municipality's established conflict of interest policy established (pursuant to C.G.S., Section 7-479) or an affidavit from the municipality's chief executive officer stating that the municipality will adhere to the general provisions outlined by said statute in all Certified Local Government program-related activities;
- a statement outlining the process utilized by the municipality to appoint members to its local historic district and/or property commission, and an assurance that the municipality will make a reasonable good faith effort to ensure that at least two of this commission's members/alternates meet the professional requirements outlined in 36 CFR 61 Appendix A, as described on the attached sheet;
- a copy of the rules or procedures for the local historic district(s) and/or property commissions; and
- the name, mailing address and phone number, fax and email address of the municipality's CLG program coordinator/contact.
Related Resources
- Budget Forms
- Certified Resolution Sample
- Professional Services Selection Process
For more information on the federal Certified Local Government program, visit http://www.nps.gov/history/hps/clg.
For other information, contact Mary Dunne at (860) 500-2356 or mary.dunne@ct.gov.