Solar Panel Purchases for Consumers

More and more consumers are deciding to go solar because of the potential savings and benefits to the environment. That said, solar is still a new industry for consumers to interact with, and the peaked interest can leave an opening for scams. 


The Department of Consumer Protection has created a Solar Panel Buyer's Guide for consumers who are considering going solar. 

Before committing to solar, there a few things you should know and do. Our brochure outlines the steps that you need to take on your way to going solar - and gives you helpful background information about the process. Checking credentials of workers, understanding your contract with your salesperson, and doing some research about your potential electric costs are just a few steps you can take to ensure you have a positive experience.
Getting an alternative energy source for your home is a big decision and should not be taken lightly. Making the wrong choices during solar panel installation could lead to a loss of money.
The Department of Consumer Protection wants to make sure that going solar is a smooth process for all consumers because making environmentally responsible choices is important.
More than 19,000 Connecticut households currently using solar power. State residents with solar power have saved an average of more than $1100 per household on utility bills and the installation costs for solar panels have decreased by 20% since 2011 according to