State Board of Examiners for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

The State Board of Examiners for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, shall consist of twelve persons appointed by the Governor, three of whom shall hold licenses as professional engineers, two of whom shall hold combined licenses as professional engineers and land surveyors, four of whom shall be public members and three of whom shall hold licenses as land surveyors. 


Board Members
  • Anthony L. D’Andrea, Chairman, Professional Engineer/Land Surveyor
  • Robert L. Doane, Jr., Professional Engineer/Land Surveyor
  • Ryan E. Thompson, Professional Engineer/Land Surveyor
  • Robert J Lewandowski, Professional Engineer
  • John T. DeWolf, Ph.D., Professional Engineer
  • Richard Szewczak, Professional Engineer 
  • Robert Dahn, Land Surveyor
  • Susan F. Mattern, Land Surveyor
  • Al Regina, Public Member 

 Board Vacancies: (3) Public Members
                                   (1) Land Surveyor



Next Meeting

October 8 


2024 Current Board Scheduled Meetings

November 19









Meeting Video Recording