Mechanical Contractor Registration
Per Section 20-341s of the Connecticut General Statutes, “Mechanical contractor” means any corporation, association, firm, partnership or other business organization regularly offering to the public the services of its employees in plumbing andpiping work or in heating, piping and cooling work, but does not mean any corporation, association, firm, partnership or other business organization which performs such work exclusively on single family or multifamily private residences or dwellings consisting of not more than four units or which employs less than ten persons licensed to perform plumbing and piping work or heating, piping and cooling work in accordance with the provisions of chapter 393, or any corporation, association, firm, partnership or other business organization which is engaged in the installation, repair, alteration, or replacement of sewer lines, storm drainage lines or water lines and services. The term “mechanical contractor” does not include an individual licensed pursuant to chapter 393 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Registration is required for all businesses or individuals offering services to the public in plumbing and piping work or in heating, piping and cooling work employing ten (10) or more licensed persons.
New Application:
All mechanical contractor registrations expire annually on August 31st. Renewal fee: $110.00.
A registration may be reinstated, provided a completed reinstatement form and all applicable fees are submitted not later than three (3) years after the date of expiration of the registration.
Please note, if your registration has expired for more than three (3) years you must reapply.
To complete the reinstatement online:
- If you have your User ID and Password, please go to to access your account.
- You may request your User ID and Password by emailing the following information to
- Name
- Registration Type
- Registration Number
- Email Address
Other Information:
State Contracting:
- For information on contracting with the State of Connecticut, including a listing of current contracts, bids, and RFPs, instructions on signing up to be notified about new contract opportunities and information about the State’s Construction Contractor Prequalification and Supplier Diversity Programs, visit the State Procurement Marketplace homepage.
Questions can be emailed to the Occupational & Professional Licensing Division at
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