Fire Protection Licenses and Scope of Work


The holder of this license may do all fire protection sprinkler system work as defined in section 20-330 of the Connecticut General Statutes. A person must have served at least two years as an F-2 journeyperson or have equivalent experience to qualify for the F-1 examination.


The holder of this license may do all fire protection sprinkler system work as defined in section 20-330 of the Connecticut General Statutes, but only while in the employ of a contractor licensed for such work. A person must have completed a 4-year fire protection sprinkler apprentice program or have equivalent experience to qualify for the F-2 examination.


The holder of this license may do such work as that work involved with foam extinguishing systems, special hazard systems including water spray, foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical systems, halon and other liquid or gas fire suppression systems. A person must have served at least two years as an F-4 journeyperson or have equivalent experience to qualify for the F-3 examination.


The holder of this license may do such work as that work involved with foam extinguishing systems, special hazard systems including water spray, foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical systems, halon and other liquid or gas fire suppression systems but only while in the employ of a contractor licensed for such work. A person must have completed a 3-year fire protection non-sprinkler apprenticeship program or have equivalent experience to qualify for the F-4 examination.

Limited Multipurpose Residential Sprinkler Contractor License (F-5)

The holder of this license may do such work limited to the handling of materials, installation, alteration, extension, removal, repair, maintenance or renovation of a multipurpose residential fire sprinkler system involved with water based fire sprinkler systems, for protection against fire hazards in one- and two-family residential dwellings and mobile manufactured homes. In order to obtain such license, a person must (1) have served at least two years as an F6 journeyperson or, (2) have been issued a P-1 license and have been certified as completing a multipurpose residential fire sprinkler systems course approved by the department which includes the codes and standards adopted by the state of Connecticut for a multipurpose residential sprinkler system.

Limited Multipurpose Residential Sprinkler Journeyperson License (F-6)

The holder of this license may perform work limited to the handling of materials, installation, alteration, extension, removal, repair, maintenance or renovation of a multipurpose residential fire sprinkler system involved with water based fire sprinkler systems, for protection against fire hazards in one- and two-family residential dwellings and mobile manufactured homes; however, such holder may only do such work while in the employ of a contractor licensed for such work. A limited multipurpose residential sprinkler journeyperson license may be issued by the department, to any person who (1) has been issued a P-1 or P-2 license and (2) has been certified as completing a Multipurpose Residential Fire Sprinkler systems course approved by the department which includes the codes and standards adopted by the state of Connecticut for a multipurpose residential sprinkler system.
