Thursday, August 17, 2017 – Tomorrow, on Friday, August 18th at 8:30am the Board of Physicians will hold a public hearing to discuss the addition of two conditions to the Medical Marijuana Program. The meeting will be held at Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) offices at 450 Columbus Boulevard, in Meeting Room North – D.
The conditions being considered are Intractable Headache Syndrome and Neuropathic Facial Pain. These conditions are being discussed as a result of our last public hearing, when the Board recommended they be discussed in the future.
There are currently 22 conditions that may qualify patients over 18 for Connecticut’s Medical Marijuana Program, and 6 conditions for patients under 18. If the Board of Physicians recommends we add new conditions after the hearing, the commissioner will consider their recommendations, and ultimately add them to medical marijuana regulations. There are currently 7 conditions that have been recommended by the Board of Physicians in 2017 being added to those regulations.
After DCP drafts a regulation to add the conditions, there will be an additional public hearing and comment period. The regulation then will be reviewed by the Office of the Attorney General, and ultimately require the approval of the Regulation Review Committee of the General Assembly.
There are currently 19,107 medical marijuana patients in the state, 723 physicians registered with the program, and 9 members of the Board of Physicians. More information about the Board of Physicians can be found here. More information about the process to add a debilitating condition to the program can be found here.
Media Contact:
Lora Rae Anderson
(860) 713-6019 (office)
(860) 247-8711 (cell)
Lora Rae Anderson
(860) 713-6019 (office)
(860) 247-8711 (cell)