Transporter's Permit

This permit covers three types of businesses: 

  1. Commercial transport operators looking to haul alcohol through Connecticut or delivery to addresses in Connecticut; 
  2. Boat operators wanting to sell and serve alcoholic beverages to patrons while docked at or cruising through Connecticut rivers and waterways; and 
  3. Livery operators wanting to sell and serve alcoholic beverages to passengers who hired them to provide transportation services.

Cost:  This permit costs $1250 annually, plus a $100 nonrefundable application fee when you apply.  Boats and livery operators have the option of adding additional boats and vehicles under the permit for an annual fee of $200 each. For example, a livery service has ten vehicles and the operators wants alcohol in every vehicle.  When filing out the application, nine extra vehicles should be added.  The total fee to apply would be $3,150 ($100 application fee + $1250 permit fee + 9 extra cars at $200/each). Commercial transporters need one permit to cover their entire fleet and do not need to add extra vehicles.

Apply:  To apply for a permit, please follow these instructions and visit to start your application. Some special documentation is required for each type of transport permit.  Please have the following documents and information available: 

  • Commercial transporters: Motor carrier permit from home state
  • Boat operators: Make, model, name, and Coast Guard registration for each boat
  • Livery operators: Make, model, VIN, and registration for each vehicle

