Liquor Manufacturer Applications

We offer four types of manufacturer permits:

  1. Manufacturer of Beer 
  2. Manufacturer of Spirits
  3. Manufacturer of Wine, Cider, and Mead 
  4. Manufacturer of Farm Winery

These permits allow you to manufacture, store and bottle the beverages allowed by the permit.  You may also wholesale the products you make or appoint a wholesaler to do so for you.  You may hold more than one manufacturer permit at a time. For example, if you want to manufacture beer and hard cider, you would need both the Manufacturer Permit for Beer and the Manufacturer Permit for Wine, Cider, and Mead. 


Every manufacturer permit allows you to offer tastings of your product on your premises.  Every manufacturer permit allows you to sell sealed containers of your products at retail for consumers to take and consume elsewhere.  Most manufacturer permits (all except the Manufacturer Permit for Spirits) allow you to sell your products by the glass, can, or bottle for consumption on the premises.  (Note that some of these activities are limited depending on the volume of alcohol you produce.  You should review the manufacturer statute for more specific information about production limits.)

: You must have Federal approval from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to manufacture before you proceed with any manufacturer application (e.g., Brewer’s Notice or Distilled Spirits Permit).

To apply for a permit, please follow these instructions and visit to start your application.  You will need local approval before submitting this application.  
