Liquor Control Complaints

Please send your complaint to Liquor Control Division in writing using one of the methods below.
NOTE: Please do not file a complaint through more than one method, as that may slow its processing.


When submitting a complaint, include the name and address of the business and the permit number, if known.  You should also include as much information about your complaint as you can: what happened, who was involved, when did it occur, etc.  You may attach photos, videos, or any other documentation that you may have.  We may need to contact you for further information, so we strongly encourage you to provide a daytime phone number and email address. 


We accept anonymous complaints.  The only way to submit an anonymous complaint is to submit it via the on-line option below.  If you submit an anonymous complaint, we have no way to update you on the status of the complaint or to get more information if needed.  Keep in mind that your decision for anonymity may limit our ability to conduct an investigation. 


NOTE:  All information shared with the Liquor Control Division is part of the official public record and may be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act.  Additionally, if you are complaining against a particular business, that business may receive a complete copy of your complaint for their response. 


Submit By E-Mail: Submit a copy of the Complaint Form to  Attach any photos, videos, or documents to the email. 


Submit Online:  Visit  Scroll to the bottom of the webpage to “More Online Services” and click “File a Complaint.”  You may choose to include your name and contact information, or to proceed anonymously.  This is the only way to submit a fully anonymous complaint.  Follow the prompts to fill out the required information and upload any pictures or documentation.  Although you do not need an eLicense account to submit a complaint, you may log into your account if you have one or create an account before you begin if you’d like to save a copy of your complaint.  For more information on how to submit an online complaint, please find instructions in this announcement

Submit By Mail
:  Send a copy of the Complaint Form and any supporting documentation to:

Department of Consumer Protection
Liquor Control Division
450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 901
Hartford, CT  06103  


To speak with a Liquor Control Agent, call 860-713-6210 during routine business hours.  If you leave a message, an agent will return your call shortly.

