Quick Facts About Consumer Contracts

Contracts can be confusing. Many people call the Department of Consumer Protection after buying a new car saying they changed their mind but the dealer won’t let them out of the contract. Unfortunately for them, the dealer is within his legal rights. The law is different depending on the type of contract you’re in.So you need to know a bit about the law before you sign.

The first rule of advice is: Don’t be rushed into a contract!Sign only when you’re ready, not when you feel “pressured.” Take the time to read and fully understand all parts of any contract or written agreement before signing.Both you and the seller should sign, and you should take a full, signed copy of the contract with you.

Second, know which contracts offer a 3-day "cooling off" period and which don’t.You have 3-days to cancel a contract for: 

 > Home Improvement       > Dating Services
 > Health Clubs       > Diet Programs


But the cooling off period does not apply, and you cannot cancel a contract that you sign for:

 > New or Used Automobiles       > Home Heating Fuel
 > Real Estate        > New Home Construction 


Health club contracts cannot be for longer than 24 months.If the business moves more than 25 miles away or closes down, you have the right to a pro-rated refund of anything you prepaid on that contract. Contracts cannot include an automatic renewal clause for longer than one month. The 3-day cooling off rule does apply.

If you sign a home improvement contract, it’s not valid unless the contractor or salesperson is registered to do business in Connecticut.Ask to see their home improvement registration certificate before you sign. The contract must include the date of the transaction and a start and ending date for the work.  This type of contract does have a cooling off period; you can cancel within three days of signing.

Typically, there is no 3-day Right to Cancel on a car or vehicle contract, whether it’s to lease or to buy. Be sure you understand all the terms and conditions before you sign!

Unlike home improvement, there is no 3-day Right of Cancellation on new home construction. Before signing a new home construction contract with a builder, make sure you get a copy of his / Connecticut New Home Construction registration certificate and check lots of references.

Read our brochure on consumer contracts