As we continue to move to a more online registration and record-keeping system, we are providing you with directions on common areas that you need to be familiar with:  Creating an Account, Registering for a Class, Registering for a Certification Exam, and Other important functions. For a listing of each of these functions click below    

     CFA Acadis Online Information

Connecticut Fire Officer Weekend

Applications are now available for the 2006 Connecticut Fire Officer’s Weekend at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg Maryland May 5, 6, and 7. This weekend is a chance for numerous Connecticut fire service personnel to experience the superior level of fire related education available at the National Fire Academy. Applicants have their choice of one of six classes taught by NFA adjunct instructors. Applications must be completely filled out and returned to the Connecticut Fire Academy by March 10, 2006. Please review and download the attachedBrochure and Weekend Application as well as to receive information pertaining to your arrival at NFA, as well as NFA policies and available transit.

The Connecticut Fire Officer’s Weekend agenda includes a Memorial Service at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial, orientation Friday evening, followed by a social gathering in the Student Center. Saturday is a full day of classes with a barbecue in the evening at the Log Cabin on the grounds of the NFA. Classes run through mid-afternoon on Sunday prior to dismissal. The Connecticut Fire Officer’s Weekend is not only a tremendous learning opportunity but, also a great way to network with fire personnel and instructors.