The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 9:30 AM in the Holcombe Room, fifth floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford.



1.  Call to order; establishment of a quorum

2.  Approval of agenda

3.  Approval of August 22, 2018 minutes

4.  Chair’s Report 

5.  Citizen Comment Period*

6.  Staff Report

   a. Update on UConn “Chem Pit” monitoring decision

   b. FOI requirements regarding inspection of public records held by contractors to state agencies 

   c. Workload management and status of personnel search

   d. Changes to website


7.Citizen Complaints 

8.Other Business

*The Citizen Comment Period is reserved for people to make brief comments to the Council
regarding topics not on the agenda. There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting.


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