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Piping Plovers


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The number of plover chicks to reach flight age or “fledge” in 2021 was up from 2020.

In 2021, piping plovers in Connecticut raised an average of 1.33 chicks per nest. While productivity was good in 2021 compared to 2020, it was less than the goal and less than the ten-year average of 1.5. Some of the causes for the lower than average productivity in 2021 was attributed to storm events that washed out some nests and renests, predation, human/pet interaction, and the use of drones, which piping plovers may perceive as aerial predators.47 In 1984, only 30 nesting piping plovers were observed in Connecticut. In 2021, 60 pairs successfully raised 80 young plovers on Connecticut beaches. Scientists estimate that each pair must successfully raise an average of 1.20 young per year to maintain a stable population and an average of 1.50 young per year to successfully increase the population of piping plovers to sustainable levels. Since protection and monitoring efforts began in 1984, nesting success has generally improved, resulting in more returning adults in subsequent years. However, the modest size of the population requires that the species continue in threatened status at the state and national level. 

Piping plovers are small shorebirds that nest only on sandy beaches with sparse vegetation. The piping plover population is, according to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), "an indicator of the health of the fragile beach ecosystem."48 Their habitat is a narrow strip squeezed between a rising Sound and higher ground. If their habitat is able to migrate upslope and inland in response to sea level rise, breeding areas could increase. However, habitat loss is anticipated on 45 percent of sandy ocean beaches that are already developed. Coastal flooding during breeding season might also affect piping plover breeding success by flooding nests and thereby increasing chick mortality, as was the case in 2021.49
Goal: The goal for piping plover was derived from the Piping Plover Atlantic Coast Population Revised Recovery Plan (1996). That Plan's goal calls for 2,000 pairs along the east coast with 625 pairs throughout New England, and a five-year average productivity of 1.5 fledged chicks per pair. 

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2019 Atlantic Coast Piping Plover Abundance and Productivity Estimates, there were 2,008 breeding pairs along the Atlantic coast, with over 980 breeding pairs in New England!50


47 DEEP, Wildlife; personal communication from L. Saucier, February 24, 2022.
48 Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) Atlantic Coast Population Revised Recovery Plan, May 2, 1996, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS); omnilearn.net/esacourse/pdfs/piping_plover_recovery_plan96.pdf. 
49 USFWS, “Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation”, March 2020; ecos.fws.gov/docs/five_year_review/doc6378.pdf.
50 USFWS, 2019 Atlantic Coast Piping Plover Abundance and Productivity Estimates; www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/documents/news-attached-files/2019-Update-Final.pdf.