Chestnut Importations into the US
PP088 (12/07)
By Dr. Sandra L. Anagnostakis
Department of Plant Pathology and Ecology
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington Street
P. O. Box 1106
New Haven, CT 06504-1106
Telephone: (203) 974-8498 Fax: (203) 974-8502
When people find chestnut trees of any size growing in the New England woods they frequently call The Experiment Station, hoping that they have found an American chestnut tree resistant to Chestnut Blight Disease. Usually the tree is Asian, or an Asian hybrid. In previous centuries, chestnut trees were very important to the people on this continent. They took advantage of "new and different" material much more than is generally realized, and were planting Asian species long before chestnut blight was discovered in
1773 Castanea sativa
Thomas Jefferson brought cuttings of European chestnuts to his home,
1799 Castanea sativa
Eleuthere Irenee DuPont de Nemours moved from
1876 Castanea crenata
S. B. Parsons Co. in
There are three of these Parsons’
1882 Castanea crenata
William Parry of Parry, NJ, imported 1,000 grafted trees, and selected 'Parry' for sale.
1886 Castanea crenata
Luther Burbank imported 10,000 nuts for selecting and hybridizing. In 1893, he sold three trees to Judge Andrew J. Coe of
1900 the 'Paragon' hybrid
[from Powell, 1899]
Great American (PA State Hort. Assoc. Proc. 1887)
Paragon (Popular Gardening, Dec. 1888)
"Burs immense, flattened, spines very long, branched, husk fleshy: nuts large, three or more in a bur, apex broad, depressed, 34 mm broad, 30 long, 23 thick, pubescent at tip, and slightly over two-thirds, dull dark brown, ridged, quality excellent; tree hardy, spreading, vigorous; foliage distinct, narrow, coarsely serrate, tapering gradually at the point, base narrow, subject to leaf blight; enormously productive, ripens at Parry, NJ Oct 10-15."
"Probably a seedling of a European chestnut, popularly supposed to have been planted by George Washington, standing at the first of this century on the west bank of the Schuylkill, above
The form of the leaves alone support the supposed American origin of the 'Paragon' but the thickness of the foliage, which I have found a much less variable character than form, is distinctly European; the narrow base of the leaf is more European than American; and the low, spreading tree is distinctly European. It is not unlikely that the parent nut resulted from American pollen on the European pistil, for the Americans and Europeans readily cross; or, what is equally probably, the form of the foliage may be a varietal variation from the type. I am personally inclined to the latter view, as I find many gradations in form in the foliage of the European type, the same tree, as the 'Ridgely', or 'Styer' often producing leaves which vary from the abrupt to the narrow, long, tapering point.
I am indebted to Mr. Thomas Meehan for the facts concerning the parentage and early history of the 'Paragon'."
The Sober
From the report of Ernest A. Sterling to the NY Legislature, 1903
"Mr. Coleman K. Sober is a wealthy lumberman of Lewisburg, PA, a man who has long been identified with the lumbering interests of central PA, an ardent sportsman, an advocate of forest and game protection, and on the whole a strong, energetic individual with an inborn ability to make a success of whatever he undertakes. The motive which impelled him to make a costly experiment in chestnut culture was found in the desire to reclaim the waste lands of the State, and in the belief that a properly conducted chestnut grove would be a paying business venture. The idea of grafting chestnut trees came to Mr. Sober when, as a boy, he helped his father graft apple trees on the old farm, which is now the improved country estate of which the chestnut groves are a part. There existed near the old farmhouse a large native chestnut tree, the decrepit remains of which can still be seen, that bore chestnuts of unusual size and excellent flavor. To graft scions from this tree upon the poorer native chestnut trees of the vicinity was a boyhood dream, which was always discouraged; so that the realization of the desire came only recently, and not until Mr. Sober had grown to mature manhood. Of course when the work of grafting chestnut trees was finally taken up on a large scale it was not the fine old native chestnut which furnished the scions, but rather the larger and more valuable imported or improved native varieties which were used. True to his old desire, however, Mr. Sober grafted a number of trees with twigs from the old native tree, but as yet they are not old enough to bear profusely.
The chestnut grove proper is a part of Mr. Sober's large model farm, and is divided into two detached parcels with a total area of nearly 300 acres, the exact acreage not being known. In location it is in
In the choice of species very little experimental work has been done. It was early decided that the 'Paragon' nut was the best; hence this variety alone has been grafted extensively. Investigations in other orchards, and the literature consulted, confirm this choice of variety as a wise one. Compared with the common European and Japanese chestnuts the 'Paragon' is more prolific, less troubled by curculio, comes into bearing sooner, and has a finer flavored nut. In size, too, the nuts are equal to the best. With selected nuts thirty two will weigh one pound, while many specimens will cover a silver dollar. The rapidity with which the 'Paragon' will come into bearing is also astonishing. One little two-year-old graft, no higher than a man's shoulder, last year matured fifty-six burs; while a tree three to four years old will produce a pint or two of nuts. here are approximately 240 grafted trees per acre in Mr. Sober's grove at present. The total number of trees is probably not far from 75,000."
1903 Chestnuts in
From the report of Ernest A. Sterling to the NY Legislature, 1903
Sober 300 acres central PA near Shamokin
75,000 grafted 'Paragon'
Albion 150 acres
9,000 to 15,000 grafted trees, mostly 'Numbo"
Mammoth 120 acres
Moon (nursery)
Grafted and sold, mostly 'Numbo', original from
Comfort 1 acre
56 grafted trees, mostly 'Numbo'
Lovett 22 acres
1,200 grafted trees, mostly 'Paragon'
Collins 30 acres
Grafted many cultivars, 'Paragon' best
Parry Brothers Nursery
Many grafted seedlings, $90 per 100
Williams Riverton, NJ
7,500 seedlings grafted with European and Japanese cultivars
18,000 grafted 'Paragon'
Records from the Plant Introduction Publications, 1901 through 1925
6530 Castanea sp.
G.D. Brill;
6533 Castanea sp.
G.D. Brill;
6634 Castanea sp.
G.D. Brill; “seed mixed, large and medium”
8362 Castanea sp.
Lathrop and Fairchild;
8393 Castanea crenata
12773 Castanea crenata
F.W. Bruggerhof, president of J.M. Thorburn Co.,
12681 Castanea vesca [sativa]
San Giovanni a Teduccio near
13130 Castanea crenata
T.E. Steele,
13131 Castanea sativa
T.E. Steele, Palmyra, NY
26230-231 Castanea pumila X Castanea crenata
VanFleet, Little Silver, NJ
26232-233 Castanea pumila X Castanea, “Paragon”
VanFleet, Little Silver, NJ
26234-235 Castanea pumila X Castanea crenata
F2 selfed, VanFleet, Little Silver, NJ
27587 Castanea (Corean)
Yokohama Co. (purchased from nursery)
28513 Castonopsis
“Ber shin tze,” Wu chang,
34517 Castanea sp.
35891 Castanea mollissima
“Lee tze,” Frank Meyer #1867a
low branching, open headed
San Tun
35917 Castanea sp.
free from insect injury, very sweet, loose pellicle
36666 Castanea mollissima
“Lee tze,” Frank Meyer #1893a
Pang shan region, northeast of
250 lbs. of seed (!)
37547 Castanea mollissima
Frank Meyer #1103
Yatzeko (villege), south of
said to have large fruits, very blight resistant
37548 Castanea mollissima
“K’uei li tzu,” Frank Meyer #2005a
one days’ journey south of Sianfu
a “Lee tze” type with very large nuts
37799 Castanea mollissima
“K’uei li tzu,” Frank Meyer #2006a
not very hardy north of
37800 Castanea mollissima
“Yin li tzu” (means Silver Chestnut),
Frank Meyer #2007a
ordinary local chestnut, small nuts,
low branching, not tall, leaves persist until spring
38182 Castanea mollissima
Frank Meyer #2013a
Taishan region near Taianfu,
very susceptible to blight,
nuts peculiar, bent in at tops
39550 and 39551 Castanea sp.
39618 Castanea sp.
39413 Castanea crenata
39717 Castanea sp.
39866 Castanea sp.
39721 Castanea mollissima
39965 Castanea crenata
Buitenzorg, Java
40035 Castanea sp.
Frank Meyer #2173a
medium tall, slender trunk, bark smoother than
mollissima; leaves, burs, and nuts small,
likes shade, damp soil
40036 Castanea sp.
Frank Meyer #2174a
as 40035, wild in mountains, mild climate only
40209 Castanea sp.
40508 Castanea mollissima
Frank Meyer #2179a
“Qui li tzu,” more resistant to blight than
normal, Yatzeko, S of Sianfu,
43832 Castanea henryi
cuttings from the Arnold Arboretum
probably #551 of E.H. Wilson from 1908
1917 44197 Castanea mollissima
Frank Meyer #2324a
Pangshan district NE of Peking
dark colored nuts
44198 Castanea mollissima
Frank Meyer #2325a
Pangshan district NE of Peking
light colored nuts
44448 Castanea mollissima
Anhwei province,
44440 Castanopsis sp.
Anchin, Anhwei province,
45255 Castanea crenata
large nutted variety
45256 Castanea crenata
as above
small nutted variety
45329 Castanea neglecta
D. Grinnan, Madison Co., VA,
assumed to be a hybrid, pumila X dentata
45330 to 45342 Castanea sp.
various o.p. seeds from W. Van Fleet,
45507 Castanea sp.
o.p. seeds from J.W. Killen,
45670 Castanea henryi
as 43832
45858-45866 Castanea spp.
cuttings from Van Fleet,
45947 Castanea mollissima
Frank Meyer #2457a
“Ta pan li tze” “large board oak” seeds
45948 Castanea mollissima
Frank Meyer #2458a
“Wa li tze” “bean chestnut” wholly resistant
to blight, wild trees 3000 to 6000 above sea
level, Wantiaoshan,
45949 Castanea seguinii
Frank Meyer #2459a
“Moh pan li,” “hairy board oak” shrubby
chinquapin totally resistant to blight
46780 Castanea mollissima
46822-46831 Castanea neglecta
47330-47348 Castanea dentata
scions of trees found by A.H. Graves,
collected by W. Van Fleet
may have some blight resistance
48555 Castanea crenata
seeds being loaded for shipment to
48556 Castanea crenata ?
55079 Castanea sativa
Vilmor in-Andrieux & Co.,
Leaves of various shapes, “heterophylla”
55827 Castanea sativa
C.S. Sargent
From T.H. Symington’s land in
55930 Castanea mollissima
J.F. Rock #6165
Yangpi Mts. Near
55983 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6256
8000 to 9000 ft,
55984 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6256
wild trees, 8000 ft,
56080 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6682
8200 ft, W of Talifu and 12 mi from
56081 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6683
Yellow clay forest 6 mi from
56082 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6683a
As above, smaller burs, spines different
56083 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6686
Near Talipingpu, W of
56118 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock (no number)
Kancha, N of
56119 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6683
56128 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6714
6,500 ft, N of
56129 Castanea sp.
J.F. Rock #6715
Tops of ridges above
58602 Castanea mollissima
Seed purchased from Prof. J.H. Reisner, Forestry
58659 Castanea mollissima
58719-58724 Castanea mollissima
61834 Castanea sp.
P.H. Dorsett #790
Fa Hua Ssu temple, Taitzu,
Finest nuts and trees seen
61835 Castanea sp.
P.H. Dorsett #791
Fa Hua Ssu temple, Taitzu,
Ordinary nuts and trees
62129 Castanea mollissima
62257 Castanea sp.
P.H. Dorsett #1677
“Hu chaoli Tzu” “Tiger Paw,” same as #61834
62258 Castanea sp.
P.H. Dorsett #1678, same as #61835
62393 Castanea mollissima
F.A. McClure #23
“Fung Lut,” Lungtin,
62764 Castanea sp.
P.H. Dorsett #1871
Same source as #61834, nuts ripen later
65450 Castanea henryi
from C.S. Sargent,
probably their
65619 Castanea mollissima
J.H. Dorsett #4687
“Ta chao li tze” “Tiger Paw,” same as #61834
65620 Castanea mollissima
J.H. Dorsett #4688
“Pai lu li tze” “White Dew,” same as #61835
Seeds sown in the Plant Introduction Station at
Row |
PI # |
Fred Berry # |
Species |
date |
A |
76196 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
B |
76097, 76105, 76187 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
C |
76093 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
D |
77214 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
E |
76090 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
F |
77225 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
G |
77217 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
H |
77242 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
I |
77213 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
J |
77226 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
K |
77210 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
L |
77205 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
(M) |
N |
76192 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
O |
77238 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
P |
77222 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
Q |
76202 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
R |
76094 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
S |
77218, 77219 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
T |
77216 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
U |
77209 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
V |
76201 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
W |
76186 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
X |
76088 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
Y |
77241 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
Z |
77240, 77236 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
AA |
77228 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AB |
75469, 75472, 75473, 75474, 75476 |
72311 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AC |
75477 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AD |
75478 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AE |
75479 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AF |
75480 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AG |
75481 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AH |
75482 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AI |
75483, 75485, 75486, 75487, 75488, 75489, 75490 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
(AJ) |
AK |
75491 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
75492 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AM |
75493, 75494 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AN |
75495 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AO |
75496 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AP |
75497 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AQ |
75498 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AR |
75499 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AS |
75500, 75501 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AT |
75502 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AU |
75503 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AV |
75504 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AW |
75505 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AX |
75506 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
AY |
75507 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BA |
75508 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BB |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BC |
75509 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BD |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BE |
75511 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BF |
75512 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BG |
75513 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BH |
75514 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BI |
75515 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BJ |
75516 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BK |
75517 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BL |
75518 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BM |
75519 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BN |
75520 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BO |
75521 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BP |
75522 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BQ |
75523 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BR |
75524 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BS |
75525 |
C. crenata |
1927 |
(BT) |
BU |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BV |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BW |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BX |
C. crenata |
1927 |
BZ |
C. crenata |
1927 |
CC |
77221 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
DD |
77220 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EE |
77204 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
FF |
77200 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
GG |
75197 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
HH |
76188 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
II |
76095 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
JJ |
76091 & 76092 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
KK |
77239 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
LL |
77234 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
(MM) |
NN |
77233 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
OO |
77229 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
PP |
77215 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
77206 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
RR |
77202 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
SS |
76187 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
TT |
76096 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
UU |
76089 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
VV |
80388 |
C. species |
1929 |
WW |
78644 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
(XX) |
YY |
77207 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
ZZ |
76198 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
(DA-DD) |
DE |
85767 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
DF |
85765 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
DG |
85769 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
DH |
85770 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
(DI) |
DJ |
85771 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DK |
85772 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
(DL) |
DM |
85774 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DN |
85775 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DO |
85776 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DP |
85777 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DQ |
85778 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DR |
85779 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DS |
85780 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DT |
85781 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DU |
87582 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DH |
85770 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
(DI) |
DJ |
85771 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DK |
85772 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
(DL) |
DM |
85774 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DN |
85775 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DO |
85776 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DP |
85777 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DQ |
85778 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DR |
85779 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DS |
85780 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DT |
85781 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DU |
85782 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DV |
85783 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DW |
85784 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DX |
85785 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DY |
85786 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
DZ |
85787 |
C. crenata |
1930 |
(EA-EE) |
EF |
85788 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EG |
85789 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EH |
85790 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
(EI) |
EJ |
85791 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EK |
85792 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EL |
85793 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EM |
85794 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EN |
85795 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EO |
85796 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EP |
85797 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EQ |
85798 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
(ER) |
ES |
85801 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
ET |
85802 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EU |
85803 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
EV |
85804 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
(EW-EZ) |
FA |
76194 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
GA |
95576 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GB |
95577 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GC |
95578 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GD |
95579 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GE |
98256 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GF & GU |
98733 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GH |
98734 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GI |
98735 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GJ |
98736 |
C. crenata |
1932 |
GK |
101705 |
C. crenata |
GL |
101704 |
C. crenata |
GM |
104014 |
C. crenata |
GN |
104015 |
C. crenata |
GO |
104016 |
C. crenata |
GP |
104017 |
C. crenata |
GQ |
104018 |
C. crenata |
GR |
104019 |
C. crenata |
GS |
104020 |
C. crenata |
GT |
104021 |
C. crenata |
GU |
98733 |
C. crenata |
1932, 1933 |
GV |
108815 |
C. crenata |
1934 |
GW |
113678 |
C. crenata |
1936, 1937 |
GX |
113677 |
C. crenata |
1936 |
GY |
113676 |
C. crenata |
1936 |
GZ |
113679 |
C. crenata |
1936 |
76193 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
76191 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
76190 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
77203 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
i.d. lost |
85799 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
85800 |
C. crenata |
1929 |
76189 |
C. crenata |
1928 |
113674 |
C. crenata |
1936 |
113675 |
C. crenata |
1936 |
101704 |
C. crenata |
1933 |
101704 |
C. crenata |
1933 |
MA |
77227 |
C. mollissima ( |
1929 |
MB |
77232 |
C. mollissima ( |
1929 |
MC |
77233 |
C. mollissima ( |
1929 |
MD |
77230 |
C. mollissima ( |
1929 |
ME |
85805 |
C. mollissima ( |
1929 |
MF |
85806 |
C. mollissima |
1930 |
MG |
85807 |
C. mollissima |
1930 |
MH |
85808 |
C. mollissima |
1930 |
MI |
86872 |
7810 |
C. mollissima ( |
1930 |
MJ |
86873 |
7811 |
C. mollissima ( |
1930 |
MK |
95615 |
17984 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
ML |
95641 |
18011 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MM |
95642 |
18012 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MN |
95643 |
18013 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MO |
95644 |
18014 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MP |
95645 |
18015 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MQ |
95646 |
18016 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MR |
95647 |
18017 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MS |
95648 |
18018 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MT |
97853 |
19132 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MU |
98001 |
19307 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MV |
98002 |
19308 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MW |
98003 |
19309 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MX |
101588 |
23378 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MY |
101589 |
23393 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
MZ |
101590 |
23379 |
C. mollissima |
1932 |
mixed F2 of MK to MS in RANDLE NURSERY |
C. mollissima |
1934 |
101591 |
23380 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101592 |
23381 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101593 |
23382 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101594 |
23383 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101595 |
23384 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101596 |
23392 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101599 |
23385 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101598 |
23386 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
(MAI) |
101600 |
23389 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101601 |
23390 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101602 |
101603 |
23388 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101982 |
23898 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101983 |
23899 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101606 |
23395 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101690 |
23396 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101601? |
23397 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
101605 |
23398 |
C. mollissima |
1933 |
104059 |
27060 |
C. mollissima |
1934 |
104061 |
27062 |
C. mollissima |
1934 |
104062 |
27063 |
C. mollissima |
1934 |
104063 |
27065 |
C. mollissima |
1934 |
104060 |
27061 |
C. mollissima |
1934 |
108553 |
34096 |
C. mollissima |
1935 |
108554 |
24097 |
C. mollissima |
1935 |
108552 |
C. mollissima |
1935 |
113664 |
C. mollissima |
1936 |
113665 |
C. mollissima |
1936 |
113663 |
C. mollissima |
1936 |
113666 |
C. mollissima |
1936 |
113669 |
C. mollissima |
1936 |
113667 |
C. mollissima |
1936 |
113668 |
C. mollissima |
1936 |
134722 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
134723 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
134724 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
134725 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
MB0 |
134726 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
134727 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
134728 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
134729 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
134730 |
C. mollissima |
1939 |
153153 |
C. mollissima |
1946 |
Seedlings of 78744 from |
C. mollissima |
HA |
95631 |
C. Henryi |
1932 |
HB |
95633 |
C. Henryi |
1932 |
HC |
101587 |
C. Henryi |
1933 |
HD |
104057 |
C. Henryi |
1934 |
HE |
104058 |
C. Henryi |
1934 |
(HF) |
HG |
108550 |
C. Henryi |
1935 |
(HH – HI) |
HJ |
108551 |
C. Henryi |
1935 |
HK |
113661 |
C. Henryi |
1936 |
(HL) |
128570 |
C. Henryi |
1938 |
SA |
101607 |
C. seguinii |
1933 |
SB |
104064 |
C. seguinii |
1934 |
SC |
108555 |
C. seguinii |
1935 |
SD |
112753 |
C. seguinii |
1935 |
SE |
120647 |
C. seguinii |
1937 |
R. Kent Beattie notes (no date)
Chestnut locations in China
Castanea mollissima sent to the Plant Introduction Station,
Chihli |
Chee-san near Chang-li, Meyer |
PI 17876 |
Pangshan, N.E. of |
PI 44198 |
Ming Tombs, Reed |
PI 56392 |
PI 56393 |
PI 56396 |
Wan Chia Chang, 45 li NW of Changli |
PI 56761 |
Fa Hua Ssu, Dorsett |
PI 65619 |
Anhwei |
Anking, J. Bailie |
PI 44448 |
Kiangan |
PI 40209 |
PI 58719 |
Chiningchow, Taishan region near Tainfu, Meyer "trees badly attacked by bark disease" (Endothia, 1914) |
PI 38182 |
PI 56394 |
Yangchialou, N of Yihsien, Gordon |
PI 58659 |
Taian-hsien Kiukou, Stephens (Reisner) |
PI 58719 |
Chuchenghsien, Stephens (Reisner) |
PI 58720 |
Tang-hsien, Romig (Reisner) |
PI 58721 |
Yen-cheng, Romig (Reisner) |
PI 58722 |
Pei-hsien, Romig (Reisner) |
PI 58723 |
PI 45255 |
Shanyu, Shoemaker (Reisner) |
PI 58724 |
Yatzko, S. of Sianfu, Meyer "somewhat more resistant to the bark disease than ordinary Chinese chestnut, propagated by grafting" |
PI 40508 |
Hupeh |
Hankow |
PI 6530 |
Ichang |
PI 45947 |
Kansu |
Hui-hsien, Meyer |
PI 40035 |
Cheng-hsein, Meyer |
PI 40036 |
Tangyueh, Rock |
PI 56130 |
PI 56488 |