May 10, 2012 Minutes



Thursday, 12:00pm at the

Wethersfield Police Dept. Community Room

Wethersfield, CT

Call to Order

Chairman, Joseph T. Corradino, Esq. called the meeting to order at 12:00pm.


Chairman Corradino read the Introductory Statement

6 Board Members Present: Attorney Joseph T. Corradino, Chairman, Chief T. William Knapp, (Ret.), Board Secretary, Mr. Jay Greer, Mr. M. Peter Kuck, Colonel Kyle E. Overturf and Mr. Kenneth Tramadeo.

Chairman Corradino called the roll call, 9 appellants were present, the State Issuing Authority was present and 4 local Issuing Authorities were present.

Board Chairman, Corradino administered the oath to all witnesses.

1) Case No. 12-043-D, James E. Kochuk, involving the denial of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Michael H. Green represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Matthew A. Reimondo, East Hampton Police Department.

Decision: By a majority, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the local Issuing Authority Chief Matthew A. Reimondo, East Hampton Police Department, to deny Mr. Kochuk a pistol permit, at this time.  Corradino, Greer, Knapp, Overturf and Tramadeo voted for the local Issuing Authority at this time. Kuck voted for the appellant.

2) Case No. 11-307-R, Arleen I. Rivera involving the revocation of her pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on her own behalf. Sgt. Paulo D’Allesandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with one witness.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to revoke Ms. Rivera’s pistol permit, at this time.

3) Case No. 12-140-D, Joshua Braccidiferro involving the denial of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Three officers; Capt. Lozefski, Det. Puorro and Sgt. Davis represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief William McKenna, Middletown Police Department.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the local Issuing Authority Chief William McKenna, Middletown Police Department, to deny Mr. Braccidiferro a pistol permit at this time.

4) Case No. 12-013-D, Brian O’Leary involving the denial of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Det. Anthony Damonte represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief James Cetran, Wethersfield Police Department.

Decision: By a majority, the Board voted to overturn the decision of the local Issuing Authority Chief James Cetran, Wethersfield Police Department and for Mr. O’Leary to be issued a permit.

5) Case No. 11-302-D, Charles King involving the denial of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. James Gilman represented the local Issuing Authority, Mayor John Rodolico, Town of Ledyard.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to overturn the decision of the local Issuing Authority, Mayor John Rodolico, Town of Ledyard and for Mr. King to be issued a pistol permit.

6) Case No. 12-034-R, Michael Sawyer, involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Paulo D’Allesandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his appeal due to a pending protective order.

7) Case No. 11-320-R, Vincent Provenzano, involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Paulo D’Allesandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his appeal with an agreement that the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection will restore his permit on May 10, 2013, providing there are no further incidents or arrest. Should the Issuing Authority not reissue the permit, then Mr. Provenzano will contact the Board and be scheduled for the next meeting scheduled in June 2013.

8) Case No. 12-086-R, Darryle Boyd, Jr. involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Paulo D’Allesandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with one witness.

Decision: By a majority, the Board voted to overturn the decision of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to reinstate Mr. Boyd’s pistol permit. Corradino, Knapp, Kuck, Overturf and Tramadeo voted to reinstate Mr. Boyd’s permit. Greer voted in favor of the State Issuing Authority.

9) Case No. 12-100-R, Douglas Farrow involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Paulo D’Allesandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with one witness.

Decision: By a majority, the Board voted to overturn the decision of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to reinstate Mr. Farrow’s pistol permit. Corradino, Knapp, Kuck, and Tramadeo voted to reinstate Mr. Farrow’s permit. Greer and Overturf voted in favor of the State Issuing Authority.

Secretary’s Report:

1) Approval of the April 12, 2012 Minutes. Tramadeo made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Kuck seconded the motion, motion carried.

2) Chairman Corradino made a motion to reschedule a new hearing for Mr. Eddy Ramirez, as requested by Attorney Charles E. Tiernan, III. Kuck seconded the motion, motion carried.

Old Business: The Board acknowledged receipts of thank you notes from CT Carry, Inc., Mr. Arthur Carr’s family and from Board Secretary T. William Knapp. 

New Business: The Board acknowledged receipt of a letter from CT Carry regarding West Haven requiring additional information when one applies for a pistol permit.

Adjournment: Tramadeo made a motion to adjourn, Overturf seconded the motion, motion carried. The Board adjourned at 4:50pm.