Dear Aging and Disability Network Partners, Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, Families, Caregivers, and Professionals:

As we move into a post-pandemic new normal, we have seen unprecedented demand for services, and opportunities to address the changing needs of our state’s older adult population.

The Plan is a requirement of the federal Older Americans Act and covers the period of October 1, 2024-September 30, 2027.  This draft plan was informed by public input and feedback from the Area Agencies on Aging, the aging and disability networks and other stakeholders. It presents a blueprint for the Department of Aging and Disability Services – Bureau of Aging to address the needs of Connecticut’s older adults over the next three years. The plan challenges us and you, as our partners, to focus our work in the following areas: long-term services and supports, healthy aging, and elder rights.

After review and approval by the Governor, the plan will be submitted to the federal Administration for Community Living on or before July 1, 2024.

I welcome your comments on this Plan. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to the Plan. You may provide comments by email to or you may call us at 1-860-424-5284 and leave a voice mail message to submit your comments over the phone.  

I would appreciate all comments by Monday, June 24th. Please share your name and any professional affiliation and phone number when leaving your comments. If anything is unclear in your message, staff may need to call you back to clarify.  

I encourage you to share this with other interested parties. I am grateful for your participation in our planning process and for the work that you do every day. 

Commissioner Amy Porter

Connecticut's State Plan on Aging (link)