Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's - Gaming Division
FAQ's - Adminstrative Hearing Process
FAQ's - Games Of Chance
FAQ's - Money Wheel
FAQ's - Poker Games at Bars


Where can I get information about treatment for problem gambling?

Please see the web sites for the Department of Mental Helth and Addiction Services at, and the National Center for Responsible Gaming at Both are also available on the "Links to Other Sites" section of the home page of this site.

How much money do the casinos make on slot machines?

How much is wagered in the slot machines at Foxwoods/Mohegan Sun?

Data regarding each casino’s revenues of its video facsimile/slot machines, known as the “win,” can be found in Mohegan Sun stats (for Mohegan Sun), and Foxwoods stats (for Foxwoods)

How much money does the state of Connecticut receive from each casino?

The state receives twenty-five percent (25%) of each casino’s slot “win.” You can find the amount that the state has received from the Mohegan Sun in Mohegan Sun stats and the amount that the state has received from Foxwoods in Foxwoods stats.

Why are there video facsimile/slot machines only at the casinos and not anywhere else in the state of Connecticut?

In settlement of legal disputes over whether or not Native American tribes have the right to operate video facsimile/slot machines on reservations located within Connecticut, the Mashantucket Pequots and the Mohegans negotiated revenue sharing agreements with the state of Connecticut. As long as no change in state law is enacted to permit the operation of video facsimiles or other commercial casino games by any other person, each tribe contributes twenty-five percent (25%) of the video facsimile/slot machines "win"; to the state of Connecticut.

How can I get a job at the Department of Consumer Protection ?

When they are available, job openings are listed under Employment Opportunities

I may have a winning Lottery ticket. How can I find out for sure ?

You can link to the Web site of the Connecticut Lottery Corporation at

What are the Department of Consumer Protection Minimum Record-keeping Requirements for Kennel Owners?

Click on Minimum Record Retention Requirements.

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How is a Compliance Meeting different from a Show Cause Hearing?

A Compliance Meeting is offered to permanent licensee/permittee in an effort to bring the licensee/permittee into compliance in an informal manner. Should there be no resolution at the Compliance Meeting, a Show Cause Hearing will be scheduled for a Hearing Officer to make a determination in the matter. A gaming applicant or a temporary licensee who has been denied a license is not afforded this step and will proceed directly to the Show Cause level.

How will a hearing proceed?

The Hearing Officer will open the hearing and then ask the Division witness to expound upon the allegations. Then it is the Respondent’s turn to address the charges. Documents may be produced as evidence by either party. At the end of the Hearing the Division witness may make a recommendation for the Hearing Officer’s consideration and the Respondent may make a final statement.

Who will attend?

There is a Hearing Officer presiding over the hearing and a presenter who address the allegations. Personnel presenting cases might be from the CLC collections section, the security unit, the gambling regulation unit or the charitable games unit. Additionally, there may be witnesses from the units mentioned above or from the field.

How long will it take to get a decision in the matter?

A decision will not be rendered that day. The Division has 90 days to make a decision but generally the decision is rendered in approximately one month.

What kind of documentation may be brought to the hearing?

Letters of recommendation and work performance evaluations are frequently offered by Respondents. Generally, Respondent’s can bring any documentation he/she believes would benefit him/her in the case. The Hearing Officer will accept any documentation and give it the weight it deserves.

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What is the connection between the repeal of the Las Vegas night law and the use of "money-wheel" and merchandise prize wheel games?

The legislation repealing the Las Vegas night law included the repeal of the language allowing "money-wheel" games. The Department of Consumer Protection Gaming Division was advised by the Attorney General that the merchandise prize wheel games are the same as cash "money-wheel" games, and should no longer be authorized.

Who may we contact in order to address reinstating the "money-wheel" and merchandise prize wheel games?

You may contact your legislator.

Can an organization possess its own "money-wheels" and merchandise prize wheels and utilize them without a permit?

No. The use of "money-wheels" and merchandise prize wheels was repealed effective January 7, 2003. It would not be legal to utilize this equipment for any purpose.

Are there any other games of chance being considered to replace the merchandise prize wheel games?

In order to assist organizations that have been affected by the repeal of the use of these items of equipment, we have been advising them of alternative games which may be played at their bazaar events. We feel that one game in particular, "blower ball", may be of interest to many organizations. This game would be played in a similar manner as the merchandise prize wheel game, except a blower machine (such as a bingo blower machine) filled with numbered balls, would be used to determine the winner, rather than the spin of a wheel. This game is also commonly referred to as "cage ball", whereby the numbered balls are placed into a round or oval cage (similar to a bingo cage device), which is spun manually by its handle in order to determine the winner of the prize.

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How does the repeal of the Games of Chance Act effect public or nonpublic secondary schools, or a group of parents of students attending such a school, or of the teachers or administrators of such a school that annually hold recreational Las Vegas night events in connection with high school after-graduation or after-prom parties?

The Games of Chance Act governing Las Vegas night events was repealed effective January 7, 2003. Accordingly, nonprofit organizations, including public and nonpublic secondary schools and associated groups of parents or teachers and administrators, are no longer able to conduct Las Vegas night events within the State of Connecticut.

Where in the Connecticut General Statutes did it require public or nonpublic secondary schools, or a group of parents of students attending such a school, or of the teachers or administrators of such a school to obtain a permit to conduct Las Vegas night events in connection with high school after-graduation or after-prom parties?

The section of the general statutes that allowed those organizations to have Las Vegas night events in connection with high school after-graduation or after-prom parties, prior to repeal of the Games of Chance Act, was Section 7-186a (c).

Can the students of a public or nonpublic secondary school, or a group of parents of students attending such a school, or the teachers or administrators of such a school, play card games in connection with high school after-graduation or after-prom parties?

Since the Games of Chance Act was repealed, card games that were played at Las Vegas night events, such as blackjack and poker, may no longer be played for recreational purposes in connection with high school after-graduation or after-prom parties.

Can an organization build its own games of chance (Las Vegas Nights) equipment and utilize it without a permit?

No. The Games of Chance Act was repealed effective January 7, 2003. It would not be legal to utilize this equipment for any purpose.

What other charitable gaming activities are permissible?

The activities that are currently permissible include, bingo, bazaars, raffles and sealed ticket sales. These activities must be conducted with the intent of raising funds for the worthy purposes of the organization. Organizations desiring to conduct one or more of these activities may contact the Charitable Games Section at (860) 713-6140 for assistance in obtaining the requisite permit(s).

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Is it legal in Connecticut to play poker for money or anything else of value?

According to Section 53-278a of the General Statutes of Connecticut, poker is listed as one of the forms of gambling that are illegal in Connecticut. Section 53-278b exempts from prosecution and punishment people who gamble “incidental to a bona fide social relationship” as long as no one other than the participants receives anything from the game. Both the Department of Consumer Protection Gaming Division and the Attorney General have determined that the hosting of poker games or tournaments at commercial bars or similar establishments would violate Connecticut law. Poker can be played legally at the two tribal casinos.

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